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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. GeorgeSigmund

    skoukste kiallo, kanete tin anamoni mas toso ma toso euxaristi!!!

    skoukste kiallo, kanete tin anamoni mas toso ma toso euxaristi!!!
  2. GeorgeSigmund

    Toronto Police...the best organized mafia in Canada!!

    Toronto Police...the best organized mafia in Canada!!
  3. GeorgeSigmund

    Uefalona eee? Sproxnoun tin barcelona gia teliko eee? A re gamostavridia pou thelete merikoi!!

    Uefalona eee? Sproxnoun tin barcelona gia teliko eee? A re gamostavridia pou thelete merikoi!!
  4. GeorgeSigmund

    Whoever watched the new episode of Game of Thrones hit like!! lets see how many of you are...

    Whoever watched the new episode of Game of Thrones hit like!! lets see how many of you are addicted to this obsession!!
  5. GeorgeSigmund

    fimes lene oti emfanistike o "Hlias" sto Toronto meta apo 3 mines apousias...oi arxes exoun...

    fimes lene oti emfanistike o "Hlias" sto Toronto meta apo 3 mines apousias...oi arxes exoun kinitopioithei kai mirazoun giallia iliou gia prostasia apo tis entones aktines meta apo to megalo skotadi...kai gia na kospo tis makakies me liga logia evgale Hlio sto Toronto re...
  6. GeorgeSigmund

    GTA Fishing... :/

    Hello to all fishing brothers and sisters! Thats my second year in Toronto and I'm trying to find a descent spot for fishing(catch and realease only, I just like the fun) but no luck except a couple of fish. Last summer I tried Musselman's Lake and i cougth only a small bass, Centre Island...