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  1. B

    February 16th

    That's cool I like the pipe I hope he's smoking the good stuff
  2. B

    February 16th

    Nice fish dude :-)
  3. B

    February 16th

    Nice fish
  4. B

    One for the Amundson boys

    ah i get it now thanks for clarifying that for me the lure is the clown and hay stop xeroxing like l2p said its a little experament lmao you never no whats going to work
  5. B

    One for the Amundson boys

    Efka what's a rapala clown anyways ???
  6. B

    One for the Amundson boys

    No weights just a big laker taking a run lol I guess I didn't need to put the tip that low lmao
  7. B

    Great week of steelheading but sad way to end it...

    Who really cares come on guys if it doesn't affect u chances are you don't truly care come on be real be honest don't just state what you think is politically correct
  8. B


    Hay guys put in the work there are loads of pools stuffed with more fish than that that r open right now and as far as opener it doesn't matter who's around on opener if you no how to approach the drift u will get your fish no matter the pressure good luck and have fun
  9. B

    what fish is this?

    i caught a chinney today off a pier out east was very shocked but not supprised
  10. B

    Can you identify this fish?

    hay if you didnt no what species it was why did you keep it ? what if it was out of season or even better on the endangered list or under or over the slot limit dont want to bash you but do yourself a faver and educate yourself before you keep something you shouldnt and get in trouble for it...
  11. B

    Saving money for this KP Zeppeling

    its not a huge ripoff gas prices are a huge ripoff lmao when you start getting into centerpin reels that is not alot of money there are some out there that make that seem cheap but i will say for that money go get a frogwater better buy not to bash kp since i own 5 of them but at that price you...
  12. B

    Saving money for this KP Zeppeling

    and to catfishes responce of its a waste of money well you only say that cause you cant afford one lol or maybe cause you havent tried one but dont worry the waste of money (in my opinion) you want to buy will do just fine lmao and like i have always said it does not matter what you use it all...
  13. B

    Saving money for this KP Zeppeling

    zeppelin is a nice reel i own one and i also have the r2 and the imperial yes they cost a bit of money but they are a novelty not a need to have item any centerpin will work kingpin makes a good reel but yes the zeppelin is about 200 over priced and is it worth it in my opinion NO
  14. B

    Custom Float Reels

    hay its beef here i have a custom one off reel from rsg very nice but if moneys an issue dont even look at them mine cost 2300 but its the only one like it in the world had it made 1 year ago but if you interisted in one of his reels call him mine took 8 months to make with all the designing...
  15. B

    Saugeen River Steelhead!

    was just up there not worth it yet need rain
  16. B

    Saugeen River Steelhead!

    nice fish but i hope you kept it after putting your hands in its gills. i dont no about some of you guys???
  17. B

    Wading in streams and rivers

    if you can stay out of the water then stay out of the water you should only go in if you have to and even then you never really have to i rarely cross a river i pick a side and walk it fishing everywhere i can and then do the same on the other side only to land and release do i step in
  18. B

    What roe works the best

    oh ya to answer the question i use roe i get from a dead chinok floating down and have caught lots of fish its not what you use its how you present it i use red worms that i cultivate myself most of the time depth speed and size are the three main things to consider not what you are useing
  19. B

    What roe works the best

    try not useing any roe at all there are better things out there experament
  20. B

    My grandfather's vintage spinning reels

    michael angelo those are some nice reels clean them up and pass them on to your kids, and in responce to your pm to me about the beads i peg my bead four fingers above the hook and unlike most i use a smaller hook than my bead. if i am running a bead roebag combo i peg the bead about 8 fingers...