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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. the_skdster

    Crater lake

    Sorry to dig this up from the grace, but is this it to the west? Or the one more north? Crater Lake?
  2. the_skdster

    Gloomis & Frontier Clearance Sale!

    What kinds of savings can we expect you think? Not that I have any cash on hand anywho... :roll:
  3. the_skdster

    Porta-Bote The Portable Boat

    Link if BPS site has it?
  4. the_skdster

    Porta-Bote The Portable Boat

    Read the above posted reviews. No one seems to have such problems, no matter how hard I search throughout the net. lol :roll: *reviews read material is very, very durable. *plus virtually unsinkable. that's a plus, no? :D
  5. the_skdster

    Porta-Bote The Portable Boat

    I know for a fact that I will not be able to get a trailer and tin can, since I will have no place to put either. Not for the next 6 years at the least. And storage is a no-no. So for people like me, this seems to be godsend. :D I don't mind spending the extra $1000(shudders) since it'll be...
  6. the_skdster

    Porta-Bote The Portable Boat

    Finally found something I can use, instead of having a trailer. Since I can't afford a trailer or have space to even store one for that matter. Was looking into individual pontoons when I came across this. Will never buy an inflatable, ever. Asked site for local retailers and they gave me one...
  7. the_skdster

    Samon Fishing Get Together Competition Idea?

    I'll definitely be coming. Though I'll have to get me a salmon outfit though. Someone point me in the direction of some cheapo salmon combo please. *went broke after loaning off my savings* :roll:
  8. the_skdster

    Bullet Bobber

    Seems kinda toy-like, no? Wonder how easy or hard it is to flip sides?
  9. the_skdster

    Reports sections access

    Still can't view report. or access... :mrgreen:
  10. the_skdster

    Barbie fishing rod

    Heard this on the Radio, just think what would have happened to the girl if she got the hook instead! :mrgreen:
  11. the_skdster

    I lost my Mini King..

    And this time don't forget to weld the Mini King to the steel leader. :mrgreen:
  12. the_skdster

    Sunday Fishing...Without Rain!!! hahaha

    Nice! Fish on! :mrgreen:
  13. the_skdster

    japanese robotic bass! must see*

    I dunno what to say... Weird looking thing, definitely won't pass for a fish in my book. O_o
  14. the_skdster

    Reports sections access

    Whoever said patience is a virtue better have been a fishermen... :)
  15. the_skdster

    Reports sections access

    Well, let's not tell him that now, shall we? :) Yeah, land-locked steelhead salmon is what I meant to say. Still no access to my First Report. :P
  16. the_skdster

    Got a New rod & reel. question is...

    How long of a rod am I looking at if I choose to Salmon? 8.5?
  17. the_skdster


    Wait, am I a lurker then ? *ponders* ... ...... I've never caught a bass ever in my life. At least not anything bigger than 8 ounces. :) just wanted to mention that.
  18. the_skdster

    Reports sections access

    lol. Now you can see that I've made a post under "Your First Fishing Report!" but once you go into the sub-forum my thread is nowhere to be seen. Got me all excited and then was like WTH?!? Guess their are still a few kinks to be worked out. All in due course meguess. *sigh* On the bright side...
  19. the_skdster

    Do you keep fish?

    Definitely wise words to fish by. :)
  20. the_skdster

    Do you keep fish?

    I eat my fish, if I feel like it. Then again, sometimes I feel like having a Filet-O-Fish instead. :)