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  1. Esox lucius


    i also got the tomtom, if u want it ill give it up for 100bucks. its the 4inch screen and it has blutetooth
  2. Esox lucius

    Someone foolishly left the keys to this in my driveway;)

    nice ride, looks like my old street in milton LOL
  3. Esox lucius


    last year i got the GPS, this year all i got was coffee
  4. Esox lucius

    The Outdoors show?

    i was also there wednesday, watched the dog long jump which was cool. all i picked up was a shimano chronarch 51mg baitcaster.
  5. Esox lucius

    Mississauga Pond Maps

    i worked at the new rim bluidings for 2 years, i got some more top soil to do outside there, im gonna check if there are any signs
  6. Esox lucius

    Mississauga Pond Maps

    last year during the summer. i was tipped off by the farmers. its a small pond but there are bass in there. my buddy pulled out a 2lb out of there and he threw it back.
  7. Esox lucius

    Winter Time Lure Projects

    did yea water test them already, i think the lures look cool. id like to see what would pull out of the water with that
  8. Esox lucius

    How many Murder's got off this week?

    i really dont get it, but what can u do. u park in the wrong spot for a 1min u get a ticket. u goto court to fight it and you still pay for it. u kill someone and u goto hospital and watch tv and get fed all day
  9. Esox lucius

    what lake are u gonna hit

    i cant wait to see those lakes to, just a few more weeks
  10. Esox lucius

    what lake are u gonna hit

    soft water fishing is just around the corner, just wonder which lake and what ur fishing for. im gonna try out lake ontario at center lsland for pike in the first weekend in may since its open. this doesnt really count for the river fishers, but its all good
  11. Esox lucius

    Mississauga Pond Maps

    i fished in this pond in mississauga, its full of bass. its on mississauga rd north of derry road.
  12. Esox lucius

    Pouring Senkos

    is there a walk in store where u can get these molds. i really dont like to order online, id like to see it in my hands before i get it. its somthing i wanna try out for myself up at the cottage. the senkos i get work great at the lake i fish out of most of the year
  13. Esox lucius

    The new Rapala Rods

    i got two of the r types, one for my bait caster and one for my spinning. i cant wait to use them this spring
  14. Esox lucius

    Hola From Costa Rica

    sweet looking fish, gotta try that when i head down south one of these days
  15. Esox lucius

    Some pixs from up north

    thats cool that they all get along, nice pics dude
  16. Esox lucius


    what line...............LOL
  17. Esox lucius

    favourite fish poll

    wow only 3 for musky, i thought that number would be a bit bigger. nothing is better then watching a musky hit top water. gotta love the wake before the strike I also like going for bass, walleye and pike. so its all good
  18. Esox lucius

    Still Icefishing ?

    i just got back from callander ontario, i rented i ice hut off them for the weekend, i droped the aquaview and it look like a dessert. no weeds or rocks. i ended up with a few perch, nothing really what i was looking for. i dunno if it good to hit it early icefishin or late in the year