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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. T

    4th Saturday...

    Just thought I would chime in on this subject, I find it quite interesting because we catch the odd (and I mean seriously rare) stocked trout from Minnesota in Thunder Bay. There has been a longitudinal study taking place for a number of years up here on a creek that is no longer open to...
  2. T

    Oshawa Creek and Bomanville Creek Trout

    Ill likely be spending some time on the Maitland and Bayfield area rivers. Grew up within an hour of that general area. We use basically the same baits on Superior tribs that would be used in sounthern ontario tribs, lots of yarn flies and spaw bags early run and usually move toward nymphs later...
  3. T

    Oshawa Creek and Bomanville Creek Trout

    And this might be funny and coincidental but my name is also Andy Lee haha
  4. T

    Oshawa Creek and Bomanville Creek Trout

    HI there Im from Thunder Bay and usually fish untouched streams and don't have to worry about bumpin shoulders with anyone else while out there but I have fishing the Maitland River quite a bit in my day, and have spend some time on Bowmanville Creek, both of which have great runs. Just to add...