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  1. Trevald

    Where to take my son today?

    Fishing trip postponed. Wide took both sets of keys.... Ooppps
  2. Trevald

    Where to take my son today?

    Thanks Canada, that is what I am thinking with the warm weather at least the air might help.
  3. Trevald

    Where to take my son today?

    So I am just getting the cold virus my son is recovering from but I promised I would take him fishing. I live in Winona between Hamilton and grimsby. Any advice where I can take him for some pan fish or anything. Just don't have the energy to drive to multiple places with us feeling the way we...
  4. Trevald

    You know it's bad when your bobber out fishes you.

    Makes me feel better to know my bobbers are not the only ones on the menu, seriously though I think the bobber stop string I was using was hanging in the water so it might have been going for it.
  5. Trevald

    what fish is this?

    There is an area up river from there that is a fish sanctuary in the fall that is a great place to watch the great fish struggle, I took my son and we saw salmon, browns and steelies. Oh and for those that like rare species the ever elusive MNR agents laying down the law on people who do not...
  6. Trevald

    Great Deal at Canadian Tire!

    Salmo I am down for splitting this. Send me a pm.
  7. Trevald

    You know it's bad when your bobber out fishes you.

    Not a bad idea. This is the second time its happend maybe I will forgo the lure and just hook some bobbers.
  8. Trevald

    You know it's bad when your bobber out fishes you.

    Lol. I added the bobber after I changed up the bottom bouncing setup and used it with a float setup. But that being said any advice on how to best bottom bouce or what to use, minnow imitations what type anything. I am going to be dreaming of trout eating bobbers tonight.
  9. Trevald

    You know it's bad when your bobber out fishes you.

    So went to my local docs and tried for some trout not sure what I am doing wrong as I tried bottom bouncing, at least what I think of bottom bouncing with a floating roe bag. Then tried on a float and that is when a very nice size brown came up to take a bite of my bobber. Any help is much...
  10. Trevald

    Fast Current Shore Setup

    Just my two sense, I was new to the area last year and asked some pertinent questions regarding gear, locations and even proper landing procedure. Everyone was very helpful and maybe you try to get money out of everything in your life but some of us call this friendly advice. Thank you all that...
  11. Trevald

    Brantford Grand river

    Welcome. Best advice you will get is look on google maps and try all the spots that look good. It will take leg work but you have lots of opportunities all year long on the grand for different fish. The grand is a fun and frustrating place to fish, some days you will get nothing other days you...
  12. Trevald

    Start of his trouting

    Thanks guys. I started taking him out when he was still in his stroller with his cars rod. I will post some pics he has caught bass, sunnies, perch, and now trout. I found when he was two a bag of goodies for snacks, a stroller and some paper and a pen will tide him over between fish. Give it a...
  13. Trevald

    Start of his trouting

    Good question I will ask him. "Sunfish, or trout no rainbow fish daddy."
  14. Trevald

    Start of his trouting

    Thanks. I think it's great too he loves catch and release as well but it's hard to turn down a meal when he loves fresh caught fish. And it may be one of my favorite things to do, catch and eat for dinner.
  15. Trevald

    Start of his trouting

    So again I took my son out for some fishing this time to a local park where they stock the ponds. He had a great time, although the sun fish were not biting for him the trout where, he went 1 for 3 and we enjoyed a nice dinner. I made sure to let him catch and lose the fish, as I think the most...
  16. Trevald

    Fishing days

    Thanks everyone, I have enjoyed so many of your stories and advice I felt I should try to share something as well. And don't worry it has already gotten to his head he gets home tells mom how many fish he caught, which is usually hundreds according him and never fails to mention that daddy...
  17. Trevald

    Fishing days

    Having just moved to the area last year my son and I have put in a lot of leg work and shore time, I have to give him credit as he is only 3 and loves coming with me. Having used the advice of all of you and lots of searching online we have had some really good days and some good adventures. A...
  18. Trevald

    Lunch Time Fishing

    I wonder if he is keeping goby's and disposing them properly, this may be my optimistic opinion but I truly want to believe that people are good. I take my son with me and we always bring two bags one for cleaning up and one for goby's. I think if we all do this we can make a difference and...
  19. Trevald

    mixed bag from today

    Oh wow that looks great, love the mixed bags when using tubes. Just started using them this year and I love them.
  20. Trevald

    Center pin reel

    Ok everyone I have decieded that I want to try to get into some float fishing and I think it would be best to get a proper reel and rod but want some advice for a starter. First off if I am going to use it to fish faster and bigger waters like the niagara, st. clair, or Port Dalhousie but will...