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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. J

    GREAT New Trolling Motor!!

    LOL ! It doesn't say how much that option costs? :cool:
  2. J

    Crater lake

    I fished it only once about 9 years ago. Caught a 10 lbs brown through the ice. I thought the place had been sold and shut down?
  3. J

    St.Catharines Fishing

    Hey stdavidsboy thanks for the info. I never really thought the west end of Lake Ontario had much of anything except for salmon and trout. A few weeks ago I fished out of Queenston docks and hooked a dozen smallies no walleyes. Would you say they are near the river mouth or was it just the bad...
  4. J

    New to forum

    I am trying, but my trailer broke and I am waiting on my new one. :sad: Thanks for the welcome guys.
  5. J

    New to forum

    Hi. My name is Jay and I have been an addict for 30+ years.... I have been clean for 2 weeks, 6 days, 7 hours and 14 minutes. Note to self: "This forum is probably not going to help my addicition." :rolleyes: