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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. R

    portable fish finder

    I forgot to add that I added a rocker power switch as well. saves from opening and closing the lid to hook up power all the time.
  2. R

    portable fish finder

    Well here is my portable fish finder. How I just have to make a portable transducer mount. I have seen ones on line (magnetic one) but just too expensive especially US prices.
  3. R


    Dame, that video was just crazy. Now that sparks my interest for ice fishing.
  4. R

    Perch Fishing Festival

  5. R

    Perch Fishing Festival

    Hey guy and gals Don't forget the perch festival is starting up next weekend in Orillia. I'll be heading up there with my daughter for some fun.
  6. R

    5.5 Largemouth

    nice hog, Great spot to fish. Been there before and had great luck.
  7. R

    Anyone want to fish scugog or some lake close to that?

    Hey, I'm interested in hooking up to go fishing during the week. I'm on shift work, so days and times vary.
  8. R

    Wanted- BOAT fishing buddy

    I'm in MIssissuaga, don't mind to travel within reason.
  9. R

    Wanted- BOAT fishing buddy

    I'm willing to travel within reason for the day for some fishing. I work continental shifts, so i'm pretty good anytime since the kids are back in school.
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    Hamilton Waterfront Trust Derby.

    I might just bring my daughter for that event. Its on the way to our trailer.
  11. R

    Ohh the honey holes!

    you know, its all nice to catch fish and all but I suggest if your going to post pictures of the catches in the honey holes. It would be greatly appreciated to let use know where the great spot is. Otherwise no scene teasing everyone about it. I just kind a find it rude. Just my thoughts. Thanks
  12. R

    Grand River Bass Derby

    Crap double posted Sorry
  13. R

    good ol'bucketmouth(LMB)

    Where were you fishing at? by the way, nice catches
  14. R

    Maybe have OFF fishing events?

    I would like to throw my hat into the event. Now I'm sure that during the week would be cheaper but I also know that most of if not all of us work during the week. I'm up for a night of fishing and camping. Only problem I don't have a tent but got the camping stuff.
  15. R

    Grand River Bass Derby

    I'm looking to head out to fish the creek on Sunday but not for the bass derby. Any takers.. PM me of test me at 647 298-8845 if interested.
  16. R

    Bassassins - PowerTeam Lures Contest

    My Bad, I'm in. Hope I didn't offend anyone including bassassins. Thanks
  17. R

    Bassassins - PowerTeam Lures Contest

    Yep probably an American only contest as usual.
  18. R

    Any luck perch fishing?

    I fished the narrows up in Orillia during the Perch festival and had a blast. Can't wait for the Barrie perch festival in September. Any Takers?
  19. R


    ya Nice fish guys
  20. R

    Favourite Ontario Provincial Parks for Camping & Fishing

    Camping fishing, fish fry with friends. I'm down with that.