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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Alxmastr

    So I am ready to begin fly fishing (Soon)

    Yesterday I went to the closest Orvis store near me in Detroit. The guy who helped me was really nice and had great advice. I went in there and had the intent of getting the clearwater outfit. I did get the rod and the clearwater II reel but he recommended upgrading to the hydros trout line...
  2. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    Well I am headed to Orvis in Detroit on Friday which is the earliest that I can go and I have a shopping list printed out for myself. The more posts that I read the more excited I get and the more excited I get the less patient that I feel.
  3. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    A 6 weight rod would definitely be the best option for me but the outfit that I am looking at from orvis is a 5 weight. I know that 5 is perfect for trout fishing so that is good. Would I still be able to attempt bass fishing with a 5 weight line or is it possible to spool a 6 weight line onto...
  4. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    I think I am now informed enough to make my decisions, once I have everything I will let you people know how it all turned out
  5. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    Thank you for all of the replies everyone, my final question is 5 weight or 6 weight?
  6. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    Detroit is definitely an option and free fly fishing 101 seems too good to pass up. The rod in the orvis outfit is 8.5 feet but I've read a lot of material saying the best starting rod length is 9. Would the slight different in length make that much of a difference and is that rod and reel...
  7. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    For WasagaWader, I just wanted to know whether it was best to buy a rod and reel separate, a combo rod and reel or a fly fishing outfit. How much money do you think I need to set aside for the other items I need other than what would come in a fly fishing outfit? (as in flies, extra leaders...
  8. Alxmastr

    Beginner Fly Fishing Outfit

    I am completely new the fly fishing. So new in fact that I am still in the process of obtaining my first gear so I can try it out! I live in Southern Ontario and will be fishing for trout in small streams and rivers. I am willing co commit up to $300 on my gear so I want to make sure I get...