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  1. Curtis Payerl

    Jigging for lake trout with HDS

    Ya I have 2 hds 7s gen 2 and am very familiar with them. The motorguide Xi5 is still so new it is hard find any trouble shooting on it. It has a built in lowrance transducer so there isn't supposed to be any interference but when i call motorguide they tell me its a lowrance issue and vice versa...
  2. Curtis Payerl

    Jigging for lake trout with HDS

    will do. I know that place well. Thanks!
  3. Curtis Payerl

    Jigging for lake trout with HDS

    Hey, I was out jiggin for some lakers today with my hds and i found that my graph would mark my tube fine but it would mark like 5 or 6 lines moving up and down perfectly with the tube. I just put new tuffline briad on my line and i am wondering if anyone has dealt with this before either open...
  4. Curtis Payerl

    Jigging for lake trout with HDS

    Hey, I was out jiggin for some lakers today with my hds and i found that my graph would mark my tube fine but it would mark like 5 or 6 lines moving up and down perfectly with the tube. I just put new tuffline briad on my line and i am wondering if anyone has dealt with this before either open...
  5. Curtis Payerl

    lure protectors

    Does anyone know where to get some good lure protectors? I am not talking about hook bonets, I mean the velcro ones you put over you lures when they are on your rods for storage and transport. Bass Pro has some but they are garbage. thanks
  6. Curtis Payerl

    How to Determine the Best Crankbait Based on Conditions?

    This^ Blue is the most visible color to fish
  7. Curtis Payerl

    Rod holders for Dipsy Divers

    Hey guys just wondering if anyone has a recomondation on rod holders that will hold up to pulling a dipsy. THanks
  8. Curtis Payerl

    Where to Find pike In Spring Post-Frontal

    Hey, heading out pike fishing tomorrow and it is supposed to be zero tonight and only a high of 8 tomorro. Just wondering if the pike will stay in the shallows or do the shallows cool down faster when it gets cold? Also do you think switching to live bait instead of jerk baits and spinners is a...
  9. Curtis Payerl

    Spring Pike Fishing

    ok so now its supposed to go down to freezing tonight and only warm up to a high of 8. With this weather will the pike still be in shallow? Or will the shallow bays now be the cooler areas because the air will be colder than the water? Please advise thanks.
  10. Curtis Payerl

    Spring Pike Fishing

    Wow thanks for all the responses I will post pics from the long weekend.
  11. Curtis Payerl

    Spring Pike Fishing

    Also another thing I forgot to ask this time Of year I primarily use jerk baits. Painted baits like firetigre when water is stained realistic clours like gold and black husky jerks with clear water and translucent realistic baits like the live target smelt on high pressure days. Am I on the...
  12. Curtis Payerl

    Spring Pike Fishing

    Hey guys, I have a a few questions about spring time pike fishing. I know the basics: in the spring pike of all sizes move into the shallow bays to feed and to spawn but I am a bit confused as to how they act day to day. Where should I target pike on a cold overcast post frontal day? Will they...
  13. Curtis Payerl

    Drop shot or Tube jig For lakers (Or both)

    Hello, I have been vertical jigging for lakers using my electronics with a white tube for years and have had great success but all the buzz these days seems to be about drop shotting. What is the advantage? Also could i not just tie a tube on the bottom of a drop shot rig instead of the weight...
  14. Curtis Payerl

    Trolling rod holders

    Salty's rod holders are the only way to go. They will hold up to anything, simple to release and you can face the rods down so the rod tips are under water.