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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. S

    Is this a pike or walleye?

    by the way, anybody find that live bait works so much better than anything else? I went to place about an hour outside Ottawa a couple weeks ago and I was fishing with plastics while my buddy was fishing with minnows. I wasn't catching much while he pulled in a couple pike, bass, perch...
  2. S

    Is this a pike or walleye?

    haha you're not going to believe this but he sent me a picture before that of an actual walleye but I didn't notice. It just said walley with a picture of a pike afterwards. Feel dumb now. :mrgreen:
  3. S

    Is this a pike or walleye?

    My friend caught this fish and sent me this text saying "walleye". I can usually tell the difference but I can kind of see why he thinks it's a walleye because of the way the head looks. But to me, the colours look like a pike. Can someone please give me a positive id? I'm almost positive...