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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. F

    Salmon and trout

    So I’ve been fishing for salmon and trout my whole life and I’ve noticed something this year that I haven’t seen in a long time. While watching some of the fish ladder camera’s the last few days I’ve noticed an abundance of salmon and trout entering the ladders already. This reminds me...
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    Kayak trolling motor PWM upgrade my experience

    Yak looks awesome! I’m currently looking for a trolling motor as well for mine. Nothing to expensive. Have fun out there slaying those salmon.
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    Kayak mods

    i Apologize if I came off like you didn’t know about safety, I’m just personally very self conscious about it. There is definitely some really cool stuff you can do with a pelican catch 120, Some of the mods I have done are from YouTube videos on that yak.
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    Kayak mods

    My yak is a lifetime tamarack angler 120. Before any mods I ran 1 downrigger in swells and white caps out on Georgian bay with absolutely no issues, actually at that point I did mod the seat to be higher So my guess is if your going for bass along shoreline and the Toronto islands you would be...
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    Legendary Lures - My Absolute Fav Childhood Lure

    I totally remember that lure! We used it all the time for SMB here. You should for sure frame and hang that one. Very rare to come by
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    Kayak mods

    I don’t have the money for one of those top end kayaks and I’m a backyard tinkerer as everyone likes to say about me, so why not just make a low end one into a top end one.... backyard junk and a lot of thinking pays off.... I made my pontoons out of an old kids picnic table an old light...
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    Kayak mods

    First I’d like to say, Chrome I’m a big fan watched all your videos. You’ve been one of my inspirations since I started kayak fishing! Secondly your flipping right it never ends I’m constantly finding new things to either tweek or do, lol....
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    Kayak mods

    No criticism taken at all! It all matters to what I’m going for and to how long I’m out as to what exactly I load up with. But it is designed to be able to take as much as possible if needed, especially for portage trips or a few days out. Also designed it for comfort and stability. The...
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    Kayak mods

    I’ve recently been moding out my yak, put a lowrance fish finder, switches and bright nav lights, custom pontoons with a catamaran style to them. Live well if needed, 4 extra rod holders. And I’m currently modding the seat again to make it swivel and add storage for 6 extra Plano boxes. Also...
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    Devils Glenn

    Thanks for the info. Weather looks good for today. Hopefully my son in law can handle the trek especially the way back up “haha”. I don’t even mind if we don’t catch anything,just taking a new fisherman out and showing them just how peaceful the sport can be and watching as they develop...
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    Forum dying fast

    Ahmen to this. Chrome I couldn’t have said it better. To me fishing is about fun and helping the next person or being helped from another. Promoting conservation and sheer enjoyment.
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    Devils Glenn

    I’m thinking of heading down the long trek path to the Glenn next Saturday or the pool to teach my son in law some centerpinning and winter fly fishing. Question is does anyone know how bad the ice is or how the fishing has been down in there as of late? It’s been awhile since I’ve been...
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    15'+ Rods that aren't $800??

    I recommend any of the rapala r-type series rods. The r-type series center pin reel is also very nice. I have one of those on one of my rods and it’s never failed
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    15'+ Rods that aren't $800??

    I have the rapala 15 footer works like a charm, use all the time in Niagara. I bought mine a few years back when they were expensive but I haven’t regretted it by any means. Works awesome.
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    Fish finder

    So I’m all signed up for 5 kayak tournaments next year and planning on being in many more. I’m looking for a fish finder to put on the kayak and I’ve had my eyes on two. The first one is the Lowrance Hook2 4x and the second one is the Garmin striker plus 4. Has anyone had any experience...
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    Well a bit of a report from my trip for 6 days. I managed to catch one small 6-7 pound salmon the first night out, right in the middle of that huge storm at 2 in the morning. Had a few more on through the rest of the days but unfortunately couldn’t land. Also had my iPhone stolen ended up...
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    I don’t disagree with you DILLIGAF
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    Okay I see what you’re talking about. Never would have thought of that. I will give it a go next this weekend. As for poaching I caught two morons doing that treble hook crap yesterday. Giant treble hook slow very slow retrieve followed with a quick pull, witnessed them make two salmon just...
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    Okay I feel there is a joke in this,I’m for some reason just not getting! I also look forward for the chromes to be coming. So in the meantime early salmon action with the odd trout follow in I will take, until the October/ November action
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    What’s with all this chub talk? Lol