
Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. B

    Braid on Baitcaster

    I have never used Braid before and put some 40lb Berkely X5 on my baitcaster to try it out. On some casts the line seems to get caught up in the spool and stops the cast. Is this a normal problem with Braid.
  2. Ibstacle

    Fused Superlines

    What is your opinion on fishing a fused superline which is designed for spinning gear? A few of them are: Suffix Performance Fuse, Berkley Nano fil, and Stren Max Cast.
  3. Cyphus


    Does anyone fish with Nanofil? I've watched a few video's and done some reading, but I'm curious if any of you are using it, and what kind of issue's it has. Best knots, do you use a leader with it, all that fun stuff! P.s.: I know that there is another thread about this, but it's 2 years old...