
Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Fishing Urban Ontario

    Im curious for a scientific answer on the realitity of sewer fishing

    Hi everyone, I have tried to find an answer for this online and the truth is that I got zero results. I heard that it's actually illegal here in Ontario to lift up a sewer drain, (catch basin) but my searches on google have not been able to prove that. This is something that I have always been...
  2. Y

    bass fishing ponds in gta

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and wanted to know if there are any specific ponds to fish in the gta and Vaughan area that are not private property and are accessible by foot. It would help a lot if you gave directions and helped me find ponds nearby to fish?
  3. Fishing Urban Ontario

    Wanting to start Salmon fishing this year.

    Hey everyone I am not totally new to Salmon fishing, I did a couple days worth last year and caught . . . absolutely nothing. I know that Salmon and trout are the toughest of fish to catch in Ontario and thats why i am intrigued, plus my pride is hurt from last years failure. So I have some...
  4. Fishing Urban Ontario

    What is your Favourite Fish

    Well I truthfully don't really see as many posts on this from as there used to be so I want to ask a couple simple questions that have been asked many times. But as it spires on our passion for fishing and will cause to want more posts. Q1: What is your favourite fish in Ontario and why? Q2...
  5. FishCamGuy

    Not sure if I am fishing or videotaping anymore !

    Hello members ! Just joined today and I hope to share some of my experiences as well as learn from others. I live right in the middle of downtown Ottawa and enjoy urban fishing. I recently purchased a point and shoot camera that videotapes underwater and discovered a whole new world. As an...
  6. C

    New Forum Member from Toronto

    Hi there, I am currently completing my undergrad in film production at York University. As I am sure that many will agree, I love fishing. I love fishing in all forms and in all ways. I started heavily getting into fishing a couple of years ago and I am still currently learning the ropes. I...
  7. cityboyfromthenorth

    Humber Fishing

    Anyone have advice for fishing in the humber this time around? I'm really eager to get out there and throw in a line but I'm not sure what to use and what to target. Also unsure on where to go on the humber... Thank you, Mike
  8. cityboyfromthenorth

    April Fishing - Toronto

    Hey guys, So quick question... I recently purchased a fly fishing rod and was wondering if theres any decent fishing places that I may use it this April. I wanted to get an early start on fishing and not wait until the summer lol. These fishing spots don't have to be strictly fly fishing, I do...
  9. cityboyfromthenorth


    Hey Guys, I am doing a fishing giveaway. I am now sponsored by Jig-a-Jo and X1 Lures and would like to giveaway some tackle from them. I will be doing more shortly. Contest details are in the video description. If this goes well I will be doing a larger one in 2 weeks. Thank you, City Boy...