2014 Pennsylvania and New Jersey

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Michael and I took a long weekend trip to Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I caught 9 new species among the 22 species caught in the 4 days. I also lost a Striped Bass and a Chain Pickerel. Fishing was good overall, but we had many challenges along the way.

As usual, you can read about the trip on the blog.





And here are the 9 new species I caught over the weekend.

Oyster Toadfish (Opsanus tau) - Species #395


Bluespotted Sunfish (Enneacanthus gloriosus) - Species #396


Banded Sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) - Species #397


Mud Sunfish (Acantharchus pomotis) - Species #398


Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) - Species #399


American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) - Species #400!


Grey Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) - Species #401


Dusky Smooth-hound (Mustelus canis) - Species #402


Cutlip Minnow (Exoglossum maxillingua) - Species #403


Other species caught but not photographed...in order of catch:

Mummichog, Atlantic Silverside, Bluefish, Northern Puffer, Summer Flounder, Cunner, Black Sea Bass, Bluegill Sunfish, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Green Sunfish, Spotfin Shiner, Smallmouth Bass and River Chub.
Very nice! Don't ya love those eels, did he hug you? LOL

Had no idea there were any species of triggerfish that far north, very cool catch!
Very nice catches, that trigger is awesome looking. I see you caught a bluefish, no pic? I caught a smallish one in NC from a pier, was taking the hook out and the thing head shook and made a huge cut, about 1" long on my numb. They have NASTY teeth.
Catfish said:
Very nice catches, that trigger is awesome looking. I see you caught a bluefish, no pic? I caught a smallish one in NC from a pier, was taking the hook out and the thing head shook and made a huge cut, about 1" long on my numb. They have NASTY teeth.
No, didn't care to take a picture of the bluefish. We can almost catch the "Snapper Blues" (6-8" long) on demand. They were everywhere and they got very annoying after a while. Easily a bluefish on every cast. We kept some for shark/ray bait.

I've caught Bluefish up to 4lbs in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Florida and Texas...so they have lost the novelty with me now. :lol: In fact, there were some 1.5-3lb Bluefish at Barnegat Inlet that one afternoon we were there...I can't even be bothered to fish for them until we've thoroughly fished the area and there were no other species biting at the inlet.

They are fun, don't get me wrong, but they are just a nuisance when I'm out hunting for other species...way too aggressive and they'll hit everything...spoons, sabiki, any bait rigs with live bait, squid strip, clams...ravenous and annoying...kinda like that 11" Smallmouth Bass biting at 1am when I'm trying to catch an American Eel...I hate bass... :roll: :mad:

Yes, watch out for their teeth. Even little Snapper Blues wil get you...which is why they are called Snapper Blues. A big Bluefish can take your finger off if your are not careful. Treat them as your would with piranhas...keep fingers away from their mouths as far as possible...and use hemostats or pliers to unhook them.
Christopher K said:
Very nice! Don't ya love those eels, did he hug you? LOL

Had no idea there were any species of triggerfish that far north, very cool catch!
Nah, that guy was tame and quite cooperative. American Eels are like babies...you can handle them all you want and they don't bite. All they ever try to do is wriggle away.

Moray eels...well...I would give someone $5 to kiss one on the nose...but I'm NOT responsible for your subsequent hospital bill if you are stupid enough to do it. :razz: I've had morays chased us before...on land no less...nasty grumpy buggers! You can see evil in their eyes. :twisted:

Yeah, I was surprised that the Grey Triggerfish occur so far north in numbers. I thought they would stop around North Carolina area...but apparently they can be caught all the way to Massachusetts if the water is warm. They are fairly common in New Jersey in late summer...in good enough numbers that you could actually target them.
Cool report, I've done a half dozen trips this summer to NJ for surfing, and mixed in some fishing. I am in NJ now, came down to surf Bertha earlier in the week. Fluke are most common catch, stripers seem rare this summer, even though I am in a renowned area for them. The snapper blues can be elusive, at least on the spinners/roostertails I've been throwing for them. They'll follow but only hit 1/100 casts. Haven't caught a single one on the #3 Mepps I've been throwing for Fluke even though I've had thousands follow it. The snapper rigs work much better. Couple of keeper fluke caught last night in the evening by locals, biggest I got was 15".
nice trip. nice fish. nice pics.

i was in jersey and new york in may and loaded up on the largies chain picks. only went out in the saltwater once though.
I finally got one of those damned snappers to take the #3 Mepps on Monday! 1 out of a million that followed.

Did you fish any lakes with tiger muskie rhymbot? Certain lakes in that area are stocked with them.
I don't like Mepps when fishing saltwater. Try a Kastermaster, a Krocodile, or even a Gotcha. People there also like the diamond jigs with the plastic tube eel teaser on the hook. That's what I hooked my 4lb striper with.

Size the lures to the snapper size...a lot of them are 6-7" long...so you need something small. Even with bigger fish around, if they are taking sandeel or spearing, you still want to use a 2-3" long lure to imitate the small bait.

Sorry, meant to tell you this earlier and thought I posted a reply. Guess I hit the wrong button and never replied you.