so i went to niagara and fished for three days,using my salmon casting gear and was slinging spoons.i was able to fight and land my first ever chinook salmon,wow what a fight and the power my arm was shaking and eventually my whole body.i was thinking man you haven't smelt real fish smell until you land and hold one of them.while at the niagara i was able to fight and land a nice rainbow/steelhead,first in about 15yrs.the rainbow nailed a spoon i was casting as well,managed that fish after only casting for a short period of time.the weather was sunny to partly cloudy and breezy at times,cool in the mornings and evening,water conditions were clear with a hint of for the credit switched to my pin setup,fought 3 fish,two got of real quick the third i managed to fight a bit longer but when i let the fish know it was hooked and gave it some more pressure it popped rv9 has a lot of back bone,so i need to get used to that it doesn't seem to double over as much as some of the rods i see fellow anglers using.still really new to pin fishing.the weather at the credit was mostly sunny with some cloudy periods,cool mornings and evenings,the water was low and clear for two of the days the other day it had a bit of color.both places seem to have decent amounts of fish,saw many hookups and some landed at both to chat with some locals while at both places,observed and learned some new things so over all a good time away.looks like only lost one thing while away the little bag my oakleys came in oh are a few pics of the fish.