A good site to buy flies on line?

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Feb 9, 2017
Hi! After many years of tying my own flies, time has become a extremely scarce good, so I need to buy flies. Do you know any trustable site to buy good flies at a reasonable price?
Can't speak for quality of these flies as I also tie my own and have never used them but theres a local fella named Matt who owns Kypefish Quality beads and flies and from the looks of it, he bangs out some pretty nice ties. Check them out

Other than that, your local sail should have some commercial patterns to get you by and if you're near waterdown, there's a store called Grindstone Angling... I guess they got stuff if you're willing to walk away short an arm or a leg. Or be talked down to by the owner... Can't say I have ever wanted to go back actually. I usually pick up a couple interesting looking flies at sail to try when grabbing materials.

If you have instagram, that is a great way to find tiers from all over the place and many guys sell their flies on instagram.
Good Luck and let me know what patterns you're looking for, ill see what i can help with.
can 2nd reelflies.ca, quality and reasonable prices...for what its worth they are the official fly I believe of the new fly fisher
used to buy from tyler tbarflies. his flies got me into leech and bugger tying. they were all very effective. I'm not sure if he's still around. seems his website could be down but if you google tbarflies, it still comes up and his facebook page does too.
Anyone ever find it took a while to get flies? I ordered from reel flies two weeks ago and haven't seen anything yet, There website says 2-10 days so i'm probably at that 10 business day point. Just curious as i was hoping to get them before trout opens on Saturday
Last time I ordered from them they were swamped and it took a while. To their credit they included an apology letter and some free flies in with the order when it did come.
I second/thrid/forth reelfiles.

They are great have ordered ALOT from them. Feel free to email them, but they are usually very good about shipping and Customer Relations..I know over the holidays they were backlogged and they sent messages out telling people they were a behind.

The price and quality is hard to beat.. I have not tried kypefish as its hard to leave a company I had such good dealings with. Everything from Bass, Pike, to Trout and Atlantic Salmon flies.