A little hint.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2011
I've noticed a lot of guys putting up topics and PM's asking "where are the fish?" "where were you?"
It's not a bad thing or anything, but basically, steel is everywhere this time of year.
We as steelheaders are a secretive bunch, I'd gladly post 7 systems that I've caught fish in the last month and a bit, but it doesn't make much of any sense to me.

The best way to find this highly sought after trophy is to look at the regs and see what tribs are open this time of year. Read the regs. And river or creek that says closed after sept 30'th probably holds trout, and will probably have an open section. Any river that says closed after dec 31'st is gaurenteed to hold fish.

Read between the lines, find systems that are close by, and check um out.

I have a few spots that I like to call my own that do produce better then a lot of easily accessible spots. I'd say about 50/50 word of mouth and exploration, plus the benefit of having a liquid tounged friend, who seems to be able to talk land owners into basically giving us and only us permition to fish secluded and isolated sections.

Exploration and studying are your best friend. Google maps is your lover, and a nasty one at that, take advantage of her!
Exploration and studying are your best friend. Google maps is your lover, and a nasty one at that, take advantage of her!

Sattelite imagery is a wonderful thing. Spent countless hours just combing over rivers looking for access points. And also looking for dark sections of river witch are usualy the deeper holes.
Sattelite imagery is a wonderful thing. Spent countless hours just combing over rivers looking for access points. And also looking for dark sections of river witch are usualy the deeper holes.

I got most of the hints here. go straight to google maps (satellite) and first I look for parking spaces. and the best part is using street view so you can see if you can legally park with no problems. then i start looking for the closest trails to the creeks or river. hence...google is a good friend.
Sattelite imagery is a wonderful thing. Spent countless hours just combing over rivers looking for access points. And also looking for dark sections of river witch are usualy the deeper holes.

I do this too. this summer I marked a lot of spots on a google map & I saved, then I went on hikes with my dog to get a first hand look at what they are like. Do they hold fish I dunno but the ones that I think looked like they would hold fish i will be going back now that the cold is here..... plus its always nice to get out with the pooch and let him run around.
Thank you Float Down. Plus exploration is part of the fun... you cant imagine what you can find with a little bit of leg work :lol: New honey holes, loads of fish, odd looking plants that look to have been planted by someone, lots of stuff to be explored :blink: Oh ya, and mushrooms :cool:
Oh man, you guys gave away all the good info.........lol. That's what I been doing for a while now.....lol. Jeez..... :razz:
I use sat images to explore as well, but I find that the resolution is rarely good enough to determine dark/deep spots.
Depends on what river your looking at, The river by my house you can spot rocks,logs,sand bars. The only thing I find is sone of pictures are old, and the river changes every year.
Many thanks for the advice - new to the forum and hooked on steelhead after some chums took me to Meaford last winter. I was thinking of going to the Humber or Credit tomorrow (I live in downtown Toronto) - any suggestions on good places to park? The one problem with Google Maps is you find out about the precipice between you and the river the hard way...
Many thanks for the advice - new to the forum and hooked on steelhead after some chums took me to Meaford last winter. I was thinking of going to the Humber or Credit tomorrow (I live in downtown Toronto) - any suggestions on good places to park? The one problem with Google Maps is you find out about the precipice between you and the river the hard way...

Try this link. It shows topo as well, 2 versions no less!

Try this link. It shows topo as well, 2 versions no less!


Thanks for suggesting that people try Gmap4. I am the developer of that browser app.
The link you posted displays a data file with a GPS track from one of my hikes in the Cascade Mtns of Washington State.

Below are 3 links that start Gmap4 without any data file. When Gmap4 starts the map that the user sees is controlled by parameters that are part of the Gmap4 link.

1. Default map of the world: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php
2. Vector topographic map centered on Ontario (keep zooming in and the topo lines will appear) : http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=50.669916,-84.853457&t=t5&z=6
3. Vector topo zoomed in on part of Frontenac Provincial Park and displaying a data layer that shows the direction stream flow: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=44.559037,-76.489685&t=t5&z=14&hillshade=18&layers=1_all

The vector topos cover all of CA.
That stream flow thing on the third map is a one off experiment regarding a geeky thing known as WMS servers.

Gmap4 is part of my way to 'pay it forward'. Translation: It is free for non-commercial use.
It can do lots of stuff but you have to invest a little time to learn how to make it dance and sing.

The Gmap4 homepage has a FAQ, examples, quick start info (in the Help file) and more to quickly get you up to speed.

Gmap4 homepage: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.html

Joseph, the Gmap4 guy
Try this link. It shows topo as well, 2 versions no less!


Hi Knuguy, your link takes us to Washington state & the funny thing is I drove close to that area, down the Wenatchee River & through a small town called Leavenworth, WA. The scenery is outstanding .

We were on our way back from Vancouver Island in a RV & man some of the fishing holes I saw in the 10k KM drive was awesome..... and I didnt have a rod with me *SOB*

Sorry for going off subject guys