Algonquin Question

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Jul 28, 2013
Hi guys,

Going on a camping trip into Algonquin in late April early May. We are going from Rock-Penn-Welcome and staying three nights on Welcome Lake. The main objective of the trip is obviously fishing, so I was just wondering what your opinions are about bringing both a spinning and fly fishing outfit. I don't have sinking fly line either.
The reason why I ask is because I obviously want to pack light, so if the fly rod is unnecessary I will leave it at home.

We always start our portage from Brent.
I will never tell you our spec spot..
Meps, panther Martin ,black blade size zero.
Can't go wrong.
Sundown you can see the specs surfacing.
Not a fly guy myself but can see how a fly would be successful also.
Enjoy. Wild life alone amazing.
Lots moose and black bear.
weather changes constant.
Hot sun one minute pouring rain the next.
Rain gear a must.
Oh yea.
I don't know how many are in your party.
But a trip in like that make sure at least one of you brings a back up rod and reel.
Shite happens.
I'd say bring the fly rod as well. It wont be much more of a problem. Specs aren't deep in the Spring.