Well-Known Member
Hi all, hope you all had a nice trout opener :mrgreen:
last year during the fall salmon runs i was always asking around about correct line and rod for salmon on the fly. Everyone told me no lighter than an 8 wt and i was getting overwhelmed with all these terms for flies tipets and my frustration i tied on a 4lb fluro leader on a 6wt and a ghetto homemade fly and to my surprise i was catching lots of salmon. Now to my question, can i do this for trout ? I know theyre very finnicky but the only reason im bringing this up id because ive caught chrome on my mh baitcast rod with 45lb braid i had set up for fishing in florida. Can i just go 100% homemade and try for summer brooks ?
Thanks all for the help!!
last year during the fall salmon runs i was always asking around about correct line and rod for salmon on the fly. Everyone told me no lighter than an 8 wt and i was getting overwhelmed with all these terms for flies tipets and my frustration i tied on a 4lb fluro leader on a 6wt and a ghetto homemade fly and to my surprise i was catching lots of salmon. Now to my question, can i do this for trout ? I know theyre very finnicky but the only reason im bringing this up id because ive caught chrome on my mh baitcast rod with 45lb braid i had set up for fishing in florida. Can i just go 100% homemade and try for summer brooks ?
Thanks all for the help!!