Another new guy. Old fart.

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May 19, 2014
Fergus, Ontario
Great site and getting lots of info. I used to fish avidly in England nearly 40 years ago now. I used to say I have no time but now I am finding it and have got the bug (or should I say lure)? back.I have an old rod and a Mitchell 300 reel. I will be updating but not sure what I will even fish for? I live right next to the Grand so have to take advantage if it.
Welcome to the forums!

You're by some amazing waters with various fishing opportunities! Largemouth, smallies, brook/brown trout, rainbow trout, walleye, pike, carp.... pick your poison and catch some fish :)
Mitchell 300, then 310, then 410. Great reels all, wish I still had them. I took them apart every year and greased them and got them ready for the new season. Then a vengeful 'ex ended up with them, she didn't even fish. ******.
I'm an "old fart too." The Grand is my home river tho, let me know where you are, PM if you like. I can let you know when I am headed out that way. I never get skunked.

Hah we were just up your way on Sunday! Welcome to the forum. Hey Kit, I think we should go meet up with him... We could use it as an excuse to hit that pool again.
So here i was this morning with my crappy made in Korea rod and the mitchell 300 reel fishing on the Grand not knowing what I was doing but geez I must say getting out hanging around on the river back how can it get better? There were at least half a dozen fly fishing guys really having fun so I had to do it------- buying a fly rod and reel? 8.6 Algonquin-Al Daiwa with a reel. OK it was cheap and sounds like a good starter? Stay tuned.