Another Question about Rods

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Ok so I'm pretty sure this is the week I break down and get a pin set up. Was thinking of using my Convergance as the rod but I want to keep it with spinning reel on for Salmon in fall and for bottom bouncing at creek mouths. I'm pretty sold on a Raven Im8 but am questioning the length to get. I fish mainly east tribs(I'm sure naming of tribs wouldn't matter here but I don't want to get yelled I use a 12'6" right now and like it so am thinking a 13' two piece but could be sold on a 14' if the argument is granted. AS for a reel it will be either a Matrix or T4 depending on how I feel with my wallet that day. Still buying up terminal tackle I want., any advice would be helpful. Cheers
Anglers and our excuses to buy new rods: "Was thinking of using the rod I already have but I... ...want to keep the spinning reel on it..." Lol.

Can't go wrong with a 13' - especially if you're fishing a variety of sizes of water bodies. Had a guy at my local shop tell me anything above 13' is not all that practical or useful anyway.
Big fan of the 13' 2 piece, was the first rod I ever built. Cant go wrong with the matrix series of reels whether they are the base model or the fully ports. After fishing the 5 1/8 matrix fully port I can honestly say that the start up is very similar if not identical to my T5. Just my 2c
Just talked with a guy and have a chance at a Raven IM6 13'6" with a cheap Centrepin a TF Gear Classic from England. Mixed reviews on real but $215 for both.
Stay away from that rod & reel. The reel lets line get caught behind the spool. The rod is not comparable to an IM8.
Thanks staffman, I've been a little scared of the reel. Think I'll pass on this one.
raven im6 would make a nice winter rod, but on a hot salmon that thing will fold in half like a buggy whip, you would have to fight the fish a bit longer to land it......stick with am IM8..its more of an all around rod...for east tribs anything over 13ft is overkill....11'6 would be the most ideal for east...but if your only gonna have only 1 setup right now, stick with a 13ft for a reel.....get something more reputable like a okuma....raven or rapala.......stay away from no name junk.........

if your gonna go brand new on a raven t4 check out the islanders..... same price range, made in canada, proven reel and resale value is probably better, and there on sale at bronte outdoors for 350. just my opinion.
Think I'll go with a Matrix to start with and if I like it move up from there. I've been playing with my sons reel and honestly I'm having a hell of a time trying to cast with a pin.
So instead of the Matrix I picked up a Rapala Shift. Talked with a few guys on the water who love theirs and I got one brand new for $220 put the door. Now for the Rod, IM8 Raven or Okuma Guide Select. I like the Okuma warranty and its lighter. The Raven has a lot of fans and a good rep. Leaning towards Oluma for the weight
okuma guide select is im8 material I believe shouldnt be much different from the raven im8....should have the backbone to handle bigger fish.
We stopped carrying Okuma because of the number of warranties our customers were going through... Keep that warranty card handy :cool:
Build your own ugly.
As I suggested earlier .
Hit the rod building kiosks at sportsman show. Last day is the best for deals.
They don't want to pack it all back up.
I would build my own but I don't have the time. Work 12 hour shifts, weekends with boys, active lifestyle that includes, cycling, fishing, hunting, camping, canoeing, kayaking, soccer with kids. It keeps me very busy to say the least.
I bet. Been there done that. Kids hockey was brutal. Lol. You'll know when times right.