Anybody fishing tomorrow?

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Ha was gonna call you. We be meeting at the same place tomorrow at 10. Schnip, Angler_Brazil, Dsukh and later on MichaelAngleo. You wanna come?
Lucky you guys :( I'm pulling an alnighter for school :) can't wait for that 1000$ gov grant :) see you guys on the waters in two week!! :D
Good luck ALN. I thought you fell off the face of the I know you been busy school, work then back to school. You need to fish your arms off over the Xmas With your new ;)
hit 1 east trib today and boy do we have lots of excited anglers...saw about 20...but only 1 guy managed to land 1 fish...water was still low but flowing.he got it with a bead. stayed for 2 hours with not a single action from the rest.
I lost several out east. The bite just didn't seem normal today. I'm thinking the heavy rain might have had something to do with it :blink: