Anyone getting The Strike?

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Are any of you getting the new Bass Pro Shops: The Strike video game? I sure as hell am.

It comes bundled with a controller, which has got some nifty things like a motor that makes reeling in the fish harder as size increase. Some of you are probably like "I'd rather go fishing." Derp, wouldn't we all?
never heard of it before. I'm on xbox, might give this one a try.

IMO, most fishing video games are horrible. Rapala Fishing Frenzy is kind of a snooze fest. Last fishing game I played that was decent was way back, Sega Bass fishing. Gotta love dem der banjos when you hook into a largie. lol
Lol. I love how the guy in the commercial is so enthusiastic.
Last fishing game I played was Sega Bass Fishing too! I find the games are nowhere near close to the real deal, especially since you see everything that happens in the water. Aside from that, there's no fish smell after you fish on the screen!
ec1 said:
Aside from that, there's no fish smell after you fish on the screen!

Theres no Salmon Sperm or eggs either. Imagine wearing waders in your house while playing this, what would ur wife/kids or parents think of you hahahaha! Maybe entertaining in the winter for people like me who dont want to venture on ice to fish. But get out there with a rod and expirence fishing first hand.
ec1 said:
Lol. I love how the guy in the commercial is so enthusiastic.
especially since you see everything that happens in the water. !

Eh, you can switch views from under water and above.
I got the game today. Starts off slowly and your first few casts can be a pain, but once you get the hang of it this game is great! Definitely worth it for those hard winters. I like how the the reel spins back when the fish goes on its run,.
$80 if you're buying with the controller, $40 without the controller. Controller makes the game though.
Ontario Fishing Forums presents...

Ontario Fishing Forums: Pier Fishing Limited Edition VIDEO GAME.

Are you tired of all those bass only fishing video games? Pick up your copy of Salmon Pier Fishing Limited Edition for $69.99 only!
It features a real time, real world experience of pier fishing for salmons!
You can cast for several hours and on and hope that you can hook into a might King Salmon.

You can select from over 100 different lures like spoons, spinners & crankbaits. Live worm can be purchased seperately (special requested by David Kearney)
Follow locations are available, Mouth of Credit River, Bronte, Niagara Whirlpool.

Special hidden unlockable bonus:
Cast for 6 hours straight in real time and land atleast 2 salmons and you can unlock the almight "marshmellows + ability to line a fish"!!!

Future Update will feature shallow river fishing with heavy rod+ 65lb braid+ large treble hook gear combo! (Special training level will be included)

(Only available for Linux Operating System. Ask moderators for more details)

Stay tuned for "Carp Edition"
Cast your dough and seat back and wait for hours for bites!
MikeyMikey said:
Ontario Fishing Forums presents...

Ontario Fishing Forums: Pier Fishing Limited Edition VIDEO GAME.

Are you tired of all those bass only fishing video games? Pick up your copy of Salmon Pier Fishing Limited Edition for $69.99 only!
It features a real time, real world experience of pier fishing for salmons!
You can cast for several hours and on and hope that you can hook into a might King Salmon.

You can select from over 100 different lures like spoons, spinners & crankbaits. Live worm can be purchased seperately (special requested by David Kearney)
Follow locations are available, Mouth of Credit River, Bronte, Niagara Whirlpool.

Special hidden unlockable bonus:
Cast for 6 hours straight in real time and land atleast 2 salmons and you can unlock the almight "marshmellows + ability to line a fish"!!!

Future Update will feature shallow river fishing with heavy rod+ 65lb braid+ large treble hook gear combo! (Special training level will be included)

(Only available for Linux Operating System. Ask moderators for more details)

Stay tuned for "Carp Edition"
Cast your dough and seat back and wait for hours for bites!

IS this one of those troll posts that subtly tells you to get a life, or is it the real deal?
i'd definitely like to try it. right now i'm waiting for another fishing game I pre-ordered last week. COD 4.
lol; COD4...great one windsor. I'm waiting until modern warfare 2 comes out.

I've played The Strike, without the rod though, and it was pretty good. I still want to try it with the rod controller, it's probably what makes the game what it is.
reefrunner said:
lol; COD4...great one windsor. I'm waiting until modern warfare 2 comes out.

I've played The Strike, without the rod though, and it was pretty good. I still want to try it with the rod controller, it's probably what makes the game what it is.

Pretty much, It's like playing Guitar Hero without the controller. And I envy you, I'm not getting MW2 until I finish my IB Extended Essay, somewhere around December.
good luck on the IB.

if MW2 is anything like MW, then I'll be playing for a few months. if anyone here is on 360, hit me up - GT is 'foomoo'