Anyone have some kori they want to sell?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
Need to finish this thing :p

You certainly tie some terrific flies, and I guess the point of your opening title and question is too get us to look at them.
I have been tying a couple of salmon flies myself lately (though not in the same echelon as yours) because I am bored with the normal stuff.
Send me a PM and maybe we can connect and have you tie and discuss salmon flies at the club.
Cheers, Greg
That would be great! But please, don't consider me an expert at tying salmon flies, I'm still a newb at it, a loooonnnggg ways to go yet until they are display quality. Oh, and if you do have some Kori, I would be happy to take it off your hands ;)
Nope. Had to Wiki it. I don't tie them fancy Green Highlander thingies too often. Take to long and lose just as fast. ;)