Anyone want to fish Whitemans Creek?

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Jul 28, 2013
Would anyone like to accompany me at Whitemans creek sometime in the next 2 weeks, whenever someone is available? I would be flinging a fly (still a newbie) but anyone is welcome. We would meet there, in the AM. Thanks !

P.S. if we are having no luck we may head to brookie territory

PM me or post here if your interested!
Shmogley said:
hey im interested in that. im new to fly myself.
sounds like a fun day out
Hey I'm down too know exactly where to go to get into some fish. Pick me up on the way? Its like 20 from my place.
Would love to have you guys along, I'll need some guidance loo. Hey Kit what are some fly suggestions for the creek to tie before we head out there?
I'm good to go any day but Tuesday, Thursdays or saturdays