Asian Carp smuggling

Ontario Fishing Forums

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i posted about illegal fish being sold at dundas and spadina in toronto in the fall.
one of the species was the grass carp.
i reported all the violations to the mnr
the mnr told me they were looking for the "bigger fish" the suppliers..... not the retail outlets
well i sure hope that this was one of their suppliers....
problem is some of the illegal species being sold are from our own backyard and harder to catch than a truck being searched at a border crossing.
the mnr are spread so thin...even if you went to school for this you would have a hard time getting a job...they only have a limited number of officers...due to government priority spending.
when you see a violation report it....eventually the number of violations reported and those they can investigate will be too polar and the government will have to hire more officers.
thanks for posting the gave me hope for our fisheries.
MNR practice emergency response to possible carp invasion in Great Lakes My link

If there wasn't a market for them, then we wouldn't have an issue with Carp smuggling.
i posted about illegal fish being sold at dundas and spadina in toronto in the fall.
one of the species was the grass carp.

To be fair, any live fish at the stores is killed there and not sold to breed. The Suppliers are the ones breeding them and selling live fish. So it is a waste of time for the MNR to stop their sales at the stores.

On top of that, when you have large segments of the populations who eat carp as a staple fish not just the ones at Dundas and Spadina. So regulation of them will only provide more of a self justification to spread them by people who will be frustrated by not being able to buy them.

Promote carp and lamprey, carp for the groups that eat it (East Europe/Asia), and lamprey for those who want meater like fish, as lamprey is a delicacy in other areas that don't eat carp (West and Northern Europe, Queen Elizabeth II coronation pie was made of it). Let them fish them, make it know were to find them, and in time the problem will deal with itself, like it did at those countries reducing the numbers to a fraction of what they were.
