Different people have been chirping about atlantics for more than 30 years. They first stocked them in 1986. It's always been "just 5 more years." Then 5 years later, there's still zero returns, and zero reproduction. So they do another study and say it will be just 5 more years. Again.
You guys honestly think you'll be down at Erindale with your spey rods in August catching these things? You know, when its so low and clear you can see every rock on the bottom? And its running at about 20 degrees C?
Keep dreaming.
Atlantics are disappearing every year from absolutely pristine rivers in Norway, Scotland, Iceland and Labrador, places where they have ideal habitat and no competition from browns or steelhead or chinooks. Yet you guys think they will somehow magically start spawning in the Ganny or the Credit? Hahahahahahahahaha!! Yeah, right. Not going to happen. Believe what you want, but reality says something else entirely.