Basically a fishing noob

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New Member
Apr 22, 2013

Apart from some bad attempts at fishing as a kid, I recently got back into it. I find the whole process completely over whelming. There is so much lingo to learn, and skills to perfect that I feel way over my head. That being said, I've already found this forum extremely helpful.

I would like some advice. I'm mainly fishing around the city, in the rivers, not the lake, so I was wondering what the easiest fish to be trying for would be this time of year, and where the best place to find people willing to take the time to teach me something (anything!) would be. Any site or book recs would definitely be appreciated as well.

Welcome! What setup are you comfortable with? It'll help people know what they have to help you with.

I'm the opposite, I fish the lake more then rivers... See it you can join a member when he heads out...
there are plenty of good resources online.. if you dont wanna fork out the cash for books
I think if you're new to fishing you should try for panfish, they're small but relatively easy to catch and great practice, be careful right now though because most species around the city are closed

as for books , I find "the freshwater angler" series really good, although dated

here's a website where you can learn all sorts of knots, which is basically one of your most important skills fishing, if you can't tie a decent knot, you won't catch a fish
FishingNoob said:
Welcome! What setup are you comfortable with? It'll help people know what they have to help you with.

I'm the opposite, I fish the lake more then rivers... See it you can join a member when he heads out...
Right now I just have a basic rod and spinning reel.

The only reason I'm keeping to the rivers is because I have several close by so I can get out more often - more practice as AnglerAnonymous said.

Thanks for the welcome!
apz245 said:
there are plenty of good resources online.. if you dont wanna fork out the cash for books
I think if you're new to fishing you should try for panfish, they're small but relatively easy to catch and great practice, be careful right now though because most species around the city are closed

as for books , I find "the freshwater angler" series really good, although dated

here's a website where you can learn all sorts of knots, which is basically one of your most important skills fishing, if you can't tie a decent knot, you won't catch a fish
That is a great site! I knew there were a lot of knots, but not that many - Thanks!

Panfish and sunfish are the same thing right? I've had some luck with a couple of those so far. And yes, I'm being very careful about what is in season right now - but it is this Saturday when everything opens if I read correctly so hoping to try for some trout. I'm very interested in attempting to hook some catfish, but I'm afraid that they might be a little bit out of my league right now.

yes, they're the same thing, panfish= sunfish/perch/crappie

not everything opens this saturday, bass is still closed till june

not to sound like a dick but trout are damn hard to fish (unless theyre in a trout pond or something) not a great species to learn fishing on in my opinion, i'd start with panfish, bass, or even pike first.. until you're comfortable with tying knots, casting, basic rigs, etc.

catfish shouldnt be more intimidating than trout, if you really wanna try trout.. you could try a stocked pond, if you want to try steelhead or rainbow trout(again wouldn't recommend learning fishing on either of these species, but it can be done) then just check out the steelhead/salmon forum and do a search, there are TONS of threads by noobs asking for a starting setup and all that
Catfish are a great species to start on, they bit almost anything and can survive in almost anything! :D

Check out the catfish/carp section.