I've been out a couple times this year so far looking for the chrome that everyone has been talking about. I am relatively new (3rd year learning the floating technique on the pin) and have recently tried using beads while steelheading thanks to your valuable information! I would have to say that these beads work wonders, however, I am finding them a tad bit frustrating. This frustration may be my inability to tame these crazy fish on one of the largest river systems in the area. I have had success, and will post pics later, but would like to improve as my hook set to landing ratio is extremelly poor. Over the past 3 days I have lost about 15 fish within the first 30 seconds, and the majority of the time it seems to be an inadequate hook set. So, I have been using about 3' of fluoro, and about 8 to 12 inches above the size 12 hook I place the bead with a toothpick. On the hook I either have a roe sack, pink worm, dew worm or minnow. So, my first question, should I use a bigger hook, say a number 6 or 8? A size 12 seems too small when needing to set a hook 8 to 12'' away from the bait. However, with the low water conditions, a size 12 or even 14 maybe required to get any hits on a roe bag. Any tips on using the bead technique would be appreciated.