Becoming a Better Fisherman

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2015
Hey guys I just joined the forum yesterday -- to become a better fisherman and meet others and talk about fishing.

Can anyone and everyone give me their tips / ideas / suggestions on things to do to become a better fisherman?

I'm new to the sport and I'm trying to improve in all areas: catching fish, techniques, presentations, species knowledge, river knowledge, time and experience on the water, different methods of fishing, constantly reading online articles and books. I'm in it for the long haul now and want to know how to catch more fish, better enjoy the days when I catch nothing, how to make the most of time on the water, and give back to the fishing community as well as the fish and ecosystems themselves.

Thanks !
fishing isn't all about the number of fish you catch, its all about the experiences you create, sharing good times with friends and strangers, sharing stories. Being alone with your thoughts on some isolated creek chasing brook trout, and witnessing the sights and sounds going on around you.

Turn off your cell phone, get away from major roads, and just enjoy the outdoors for what it is, its disappearing fast.

Nice avatar btw, thats my hometown
Fish more :)

I know it sounds arrogant but thats how I learned and guarantee you how most other people learned. More time you spend on the water you learn new techniques and bring some people who may have fished 50 years ago even. Wisdom is wisdom.
Just be polite and keep space, study the water. Study every specie you want to target, their diet and behavior on each season. And always check the regulations. If you can grab the yearly regs handbook, lots of helpful tips there. If you're really passionate about this hobby, nothing beats time on the water. You can have all the handbook, videos, dvds at home but if you have no line on the water, you won't catch fish. Respect nature. Fish on....
Hey im in Sarnia and there are lots of fish around now. Stop by the outdoorsman and Steve or Kelly will help you get set up.
Depends on what kind of fish you want to target but there should b lots of options throughout the year.
Or just go down to the bridge any saturday n watch to see the different techniques. Bottom bouncing or casting spoons n jigs are probably the easiest/cheapest options
my best advice is to learn when to move on. too many guys sit at the same spot all day drifting with no fish.
chances are if you didn't get it on the first few passes you probably wont get anything after another 50 ;)

also, always ask guys before fishing near them if they mind. especially if your'e gonna be downstream of them. i don't mind when people come to fish near me. as long as they ask and are respectful about it.
the guys who come right beside me and just start drifting their float across the area i'm casting, without even acknowledging that i'm there, are scum in my opinion.

don't feel shy about watching how others fish either or asking them how its done. most of the things i've learned has been from watching/talking to others on the banks.

try to leave the riverbank cleaner then you found it. bring a spare bag to grab trash on the way out.
and try to find your local river/creek program that does restoration or tree planting and offer your help.

all these things will make you a better person to fish with, and after you put more time in you'll be a better angler because of it.

good luck bud