Best Books on Bass Fishing

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Dr. G

Oct 21, 2009
If you had to pick 3 books on bass fishing to recommend to a novice or a veteran which would you choose? Which books have made a difference to your bass fishing experience?
Can't say I have ever read a book on Bass fishing.

I do read articles in magazines from time time. Nothing beats experience. Get out there and try different techniques as well as different lures/baits. Read the information on sites like this.

Nothing beats experience on the water; but during those long-arse winter months, I would recommend Bassman magazine or, Cy Decoss Advanced Bass Fishing Book. I haven't read the book in it's entirety but it has some good tips in there including weather, season and even time of day fishing.

These mags and book are ok, in general, but nothing will tune you into good fishing better than local knowledge.
While some tips may be useful (that you can easily check out online or though experience) it seems that too many fishing books/mags/videos are just based around marketing their product.
To say that experience is the best teacher is hard to argue (because its true!) That being said I just finished reading Homer Circle's "Bass Wisdom" and, hell, why would I want to reinvent the wheel. He talks about bass habits that, fishing for 50 years, I'd never figure out. There's hardly any activity that I could think of where experience isn't the bottom line for learning. But at the same time there is a lot of wisdom out there and I don't know about anyone else but what I read in "Bass Wisdom" will certainly enhance my experience and shorten the learning curve considerably. Learning to "think like a bass" is a pretty useful strategy and a lot of fun to boot.
Mykester said:
While some tips may be useful (that you can easily check out online or though experience) it seems that too many fishing books/mags/videos are just based around marketing their product.

This is the truth.

Check out your local library for real!

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