Best Float fishing setup - Salmon/Steelhead

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2012
Does anyone have the a good visual aid, or video for float fishing (start to finish). Looking for specific float brands and such if possible. I will be using a spinning reel and a 9'5" rod. (both shimano).
Raven has a couple pointers for casting and shotting your line. They, of course, make floats and line, etc.


Shotting Patterns:
That basically shows you everything you need to know.

Thanks, this is great! I'll have a look. NOt sure how deep the rivers are now. How important is the leader length with these setups? Is it totally dependent on the water depth, or is there one that you can be safe with with lets say Saugeen River right now?
Sounds like you've got a good rod for practising the'd be good for smaller rivers/creeks, bush buggin, bottom bouncing/drifting and tossin small lures. My crew prefers Drennan floats 2.4g and 3.2g for floating skein... I use a larger shot on the mainline below the float, a tiny Raven xxs or smaller swivel 10lb mainline for lake O, 6 or 8lb for other waterbodies and flouro carbon leader to the length/depth I'm fishin, 4-6lb flouro, minimal shot on leader ie 1-2 tiny drift shot if I'm using something light like yarn, flies, singles. Alot of the times I don't even use the shot for those...less shot = less tangles, easier untangling and less for the fish to see
There are a few good kits out there to start you out float fishing. The Lunkerhunt Float Edu-Kit for example. comes with a good float, hooks and weights. There are a few others out there as well, but I find the floats are not as nice.
Check out Fishheads site--they have a resource section which provides diagrams of shotting for your "perfect" drift...
Check out Fishheads site--they have a resource section which provides diagrams of shotting for your "perfect" drift...

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