best rod/line setup for rollcasting size 12 & 14 beadhead streamer furthest?

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Apr 3, 2016
Hi, everyone.

Would appreciate opinions as to the following query:

which rod & line setup will rollcast a size 14 or 12 beadhead streamer the furthest, a 9', 4 wt medium action rod with 4 wt DT line or a 5 with 5 wt line or a 6 with 6 wt line or a 7 with 7 wt line?

Can get those size wooly buggers and fishfinder flies out 45-50' (not incl leader & tippet) with mediocre 5 and 6 wt 9', med action rods lined with Cortland 444 DT 5 and 6 wt line, respectively and am looking to upgrade to either Rio Trout LT DT line or Airflo Super Dri Elite Trout DT line, both of which very likely sit higher in the water and are much more supple than the Cortland line (so will hopefully allow me to cast 15' or so further), but am on a limited budget, so can only afford one setup for this one particular spot I fish where there is little backcasting space and getting the fly out as far as possible is helpful.

Thanks in advance. Cheers
If I were you, I would be considering an OPST commando head. They were designed to be used with single handers and small switch rods to spey cast bigger flies that normally would be impossible to turn over. This line requires zero back casting room too. What species are you targeting?
Tks for taking the time to reply, Huronfly.

Never heard of the type of line you mention, but you can be sure I will research it.

Trying to catch bows at this one spot, which is the only place I go where I have to roll cast over 20'.

Posted this query cuz I can rollcast size 14 & 12 beadhead streamers more or less the same distance with my 9', 6wt med action rod with Cortland 444 DT as I can with bud's 9', 5wt med action with same line in 5wt, but this may be cuz one of our rods is simply of better quality than the other, so I dont know which wt rod and line is best suited to cast that size streamer.

Whether I buy "regular" DT line or the one you suggested, what wt rod and line is best suited for rollcating size 14 and 12 beadhead streamers?

Tks again
Assuming you are talking about lake run rainbows... I wouldn't want anything less than a 6wt, mainly to not over tire the fish. If you are looking at a DT line, than you could even overline the rod by one or two sizes. Especially if you know you are going to be using it for mainly roll casts. I don't think it's the rods that will struggle to throw those streamers, but rather the line. There are a ton of lines on the market today that might fit what you are looking for...

Check out some of the videos on youtube from OPST and you can see the application. I use the line often through the summer to be able to throw big streamers on a 4wt than would normally require something like a 6 or even 7wt

Tks once again, Huronfly.

The bows there are mostly a pound, but u can catch the odd 2 or 3 lb and very rarely 5.

Technique can always be improved, of course, but figure that buying/using a better quality DT line that is more supple than Cortland 444 and sits higher in the water will get me an extra 15'. However, figure there must be a particular wt rod and line best suited for the aforementioned size streamer.

Btw, since I am stripping in the streamer and want to get the fish landed asap in order not to exhaust them, I use a 7.5 lb leader.

Will check youtube as you've suggested.

Many tks. Cheers
Cortland 444,is fine.....clean it with dish soap and stretch it....after you swing your fly let it come 15 feet behind you and let the fly come up to the surface use the tension of the water behind you,with fly and line still in the water to roll cast....should work after you get your timing down
9'6 5wt for me, loaded with a streamer specific line like a rio grand/aggressive weight forward taper a jump roll with the right technique can reach out and poke 70 no problem... I personally see no use for double tapers unless you are attempting to mend line at extreme distances that being said for fishing at these distances you will basically need all of that line out to achieve a cast of these lengths (DT lines dont shoot particularly well)

Addition: Ill also add double tapers tend to create less line speed overall and are more suited for delicate presentation, an example always in my head is fishing dries for atlantic salmon
Tks for ur input, fortunato.

Sorry, ought to have mentioned that I cast from shore there, so can only make so big a D loop.

Yes, I clean my lines after every use.

Tks for the tip, IR4J.

Stupidly never thought of looking for a streamer specific line. Assumed DT best for rollcasting cuz the 3 guys I've seen roll cast furthest use DT line: all 3 can get almost all of the line out (unforch, didn't ask 2 of them what brand and model line they were using - oth guy said he was using Airflo Super Dri Elite).

Still, no offense guys,the original question still stands, again keeping in mind I'm on a tight budget: which wt 9' med action rod and line is best suited for roll casting a size 14 or 12 beadhead streamer the furthest?

Tks again. Cheers
wantbrowns said:
Tks for ur input, fortunato.

Sorry, ought to have mentioned that I cast from shore there, so can only make so big a D loop.

Yes, I clean my lines after every use.

Tks for the tip, IR4J.

Stupidly never thought of looking for a streamer specific line. Assumed DT best for rollcasting cuz the 3 guys I've seen roll cast furthest use DT line: all 3 can get almost all of the line out (unforch, didn't ask 2 of them what brand and model line they were using - oth guy said he was using Airflo Super Dri Elite).

Still, no offense guys,the original question still stands, again keeping in mind I'm on a tight budget: which wt 9' med action rod and line is best suited for roll casting a size 14 or 12 beadhead streamer the furthest?

Tks again. Cheers
it would be a 9' 5wt for me... it would also be airflo super dri elite for line choice, The rio trout LT (light touch) doesnt have the stability at longer ranges (with the weighted flies)
Awesome. Tks a ton for the follow up, IR4J. Now I know what I'll be buying myself for Xmas lol.

Cheers. Good fishing.