Biggest Creek / Horny head chub?

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Apr 5, 2013
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone else has ever caught any large Chub around gta.
Recently started pulling them in by accident, the large ones actually put up a decent fight.

biggest one iv brought in was just under 12".

Iv never seen them grow this big, if anyone else has ever caught one this size let me know!

I was out this morning and caught 4 chubs between 10-12 inches and one huge one around 15 inches, it gave up a hell of a fight on ultralight tackle. I think their growing this big because there are not many people targeting them.
15" holy crap! Did you measure from nose, to the biggining of the tail fin?

That could be a record if you had a picture to prove it!

4-5 year old adult chub in the best conditions only usually grow to a MAX of like 13" ( this is like freakishly large already )

and thats down in the states were there avg size is above 10"

15" for ontario thats freakin huge. Would love to see a picture.

I agree they put up a great fight!
I've caught a couple at 1lb and some 13 inchers. Caught about 20 in one day one time at a local creek. When they are in environments that get a lot of smaller bait fish, shiners and smaller creek chubs they can grow quite large as they are provided with a large amount of food.

BTW make sure that you are catching a Creek Chub and not a Fallfish. These two fish look almost identical at large sizes, but Fallfish can grow much larger.

To distinguish Creek Chubs from Fallfish check the dorsal fin/fin on the top of the fish' body, if it has a black dot, it is a Creek Chub, no black dot means it's another species most likely Fallfish. At my local Creek last year I spotted a Fallfish that was easily over 5lbs... just imagine a 5lb Creek Chub swimming around :p

This is one of my better Creek Chubs.... 13"
Giuga10 said:
I've caught a couple at 1lb and some 13 inchers. Caught about 20 in one day one time at a local creek. When they are in environments that get a lot of smaller bait fish, shiners and smaller creek chubs they can grow quite large as they are provided with a large amount of food.

BTW make sure that you are catching a Creek Chub and not a Fallfish. These two fish look almost identical at large sizes, but Fallfish can grow much larger.

To distinguish Creek Chubs from Fallfish check the dorsal fin/fin on the top of the fish' body, if it has a black dot, it is a Creek Chub, no black dot means it's another species most likely Fallfish. At my local Creek last year I spotted a Fallfish that was easily over 5lbs... just imagine a 5lb Creek Chub swimming around :p

This is one of my better Creek Chubs.... 13"
Thats a nice one there! Thanks for the Info im def going to keep an eye out for that.

yeah a 5lb creek chub would be huge lol!

going again on monday, so il post pictures if i get anything nice.

seems like most of the bigger guys in my neck of the woods are all horny head, and really aggressive. 2 or 3 days ago i hooked a tiny regular creek chub as while i was reeling him in an even bigger horny head

came in and double hooked my line fighting for the bait. Almost got 2 fish on one single barbless hook. Great action lol!
MacMan23 said:
15" holy crap! Did you measure from nose, to the biggining of the tail fin?

That could be a record if you had a picture to prove it!

4-5 year old adult chub in the best conditions only usually grow to a MAX of like 13" ( this is like freakishly large already )

and thats down in the states were there avg size is above 10"

15" for ontario thats freakin huge. Would love to see a picture.

I agree they put up a great fight!
i didnt measure with a tape measure or anything like that. i put it next to my shoe, which is size 13.5 and it was considerably larger than it.
MacMan23 said:
Thats a nice one there! Thanks for the Info im def going to keep an eye out for that.

yeah a 5lb creek chub would be huge lol!

going again on monday, so il post pictures if i get anything nice.

seems like most of the bigger guys in my neck of the woods are all horny head, and really aggressive. 2 or 3 days ago i hooked a tiny regular creek chub as while i was reeling him in an even bigger horny head

came in and double hooked my line fighting for the bait. Almost got 2 fish on one single barbless hook. Great action lol!
Also make sure that it isn't actually just a Creek Chub as opposed to a Horney Head as it's spawn time for Creek Chub and they grow horns on their heads during this time which they use to dig pits for eggs. The difference is the same dorsal spot. Creek Chubs have a spot on their dorsal fin, Horney Heads do not.

Good luck :).
Giuga10 said:
Also make sure that it isn't actually just a Creek Chub as opposed to a Horney Head as it's spawn time for Creek Chub and they grow horns on their heads during this time which they use to dig pits for eggs. The difference is the same dorsal spot. Creek Chubs have a spot on their dorsal fin, Horney Heads do not.

Good luck :).
Yeah we have both creek and Hornyhead were im at.

Its funny you mentioned that difference because there were breeds that looked like a mix of creek and horny head sept the horns were much smaller. Now iv got an idea of what they are.

Horny head chub tend to have pink/reddish color on there bellies iv noticed.
tuhlapsss said:
i didnt measure with a tape measure or anything like that. i put it next to my shoe, which is size 13.5 and it was considerably larger than it.
Right on!

That sounds like a monster chub.

If you catch any more big ones try and get a picture! :)
I catch a lot of huge chub in the humber while targeting trout. Though I didn't know we have fallfish here.. Never seen them. I thought they were only found west of Trenton.
Caught this one in a local creek, however I've pulled out a few even larger ones further up the same creek near a small dam. To be honest I'm not even sure what type of chub it is, or even if its a fallfish... If someone would like to clarify which it is, please do :D

Either way, they're pretty fun on a 3wt. rod when they're this size!


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MadocFlyGuy said:
Caught this one in a local creek, however I've pulled out a few even larger ones further up the same creek near a small dam. To be honest I'm not even sure what type of chub it is, or even if its a fallfish... If someone would like to clarify which it is, please do :D

Either way, they're pretty fun on a 3wt. rod when they're this size!
Iv never caught one like that before
I thought it was a small pike when I saw him swim by... Is that a creek chub or a horney head?

Male Bluntnose get "horns" on their heads as well FYI but I don't think they get to large size Horny Heads do.

MacMan's pic scared the bejesus out of me when i checked it out... I thought the worms he had been using for bait had migrated to his face! :D
Hey is that a telescopic rod??? I use them all the time... Those are some pretty big creek chub guys thanks for sharing...
I've caught a couple at 1lb and some 13 inchers. Caught about 20 in one day one time at a local creek. When they are in environments that get a lot of smaller bait fish, shiners and smaller creek chubs they can grow quite large as they are provided with a large amount of food.

BTW make sure that you are catching a Creek Chub and not a Fallfish. These two fish look almost identical at large sizes, but Fallfish can grow much larger.

To distinguish Creek Chubs from Fallfish check the dorsal fin/fin on the top of the fish' body, if it has a black dot, it is a Creek Chub, no black dot means it's another species most likely Fallfish. At my local Creek last year I spotted a Fallfish that was easily over 5lbs... just imagine a 5lb Creek Chub swimming around :p

This is one of my better Creek Chubs.... 13"
MadocFlyGuy said:
Caught this one in a local creek, however I've pulled out a few even larger ones further up the same creek near a small dam. To be honest I'm not even sure what type of chub it is, or even if its a fallfish... If someone would like to clarify which it is, please do :D

Either way, they're pretty fun on a 3wt. rod when they're this size!
Picture isnt too good for identifying but I would say Horney Head Chub. If you catch one again try to get a close up and take some other pictures of the head, tail, and dorsal fin. That would be the best way to identify it.
Split-shot said:
I thought it was a small pike when I saw him swim by... Is that a creek chub or a horney head?

Cant really tell, the picture is too small. If you catch one again try to get some close up pictures and some of the head, tail, and dorsal fin.