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Jet fishin

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
Brantford area
Hi I was looking through the"2013-2014 Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish" and l remembered about another fish that we dont hear about often, the bowfin. I foul hooked one once and almost caught it :-( Does or has anyone catch them in southern urban ontario? Where was that? What were u using? Just curious
They like shallow weedy bays.
Will eat anything that looks like a minnow or perch.
Fight amazingly strong.
Some think they are an ugly fish, but I have to disagree.

They give a good fight, just watch out for the teeth, they can slice you open! I've caught them in weedy ponds and shallow, slow moving creeks.

Thanks for the tip about the teeth, how much can these fish weighand how much length do they get? Are there spots in south urban ontario are known to be or are they just a fish u can catch anywhere with luck? Also (I have for years always practiced 100 percent c and r), can and should u eat them? Longnose gar u never eat becausetheyre eggs are poisonious, is this a simular fish?
They can reach the 20 lb range at least.
I have caught them in Quinte, Ham Harbor, Grand River and Jordan Harbor. They are fairly wide spread.
Yes watch the teeth, why do u think they have the nick-name Dogfish.
Never tried too eat one. Was told as a kid they were poisonous but cannot confirm this as fact.
Can confirm they are a great catch.

I thought they were massive suckers! In a small creek in oshawa I caught like 50 of them in 20 minutes lol,on corn floated downstream, they put up a nice fight