BPS jigs - Arkie head jigs

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Take at look at these, far superior then bass pro. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/

I use his jigs, they are far superior to any out there, very durable great finish they dont chip! and very customizable. Plus the owner is very helpful and will help any way he can. The only thing is you have to order online. But worth it!! I will not use any other jigs now

But the pics from BP it is hard to tell which ones are arkie head.
usernamehere said:
Cant find any form of shipping info......what gives?
although for 2.75 each, they do look good.
Not sure? i am registered to the site maybe that is the problem, or just contact Mike ( that is the owner ).
usernamehere said:
what would be the next best thing on the BPS catalog for weed/brush? non-rocky bottom
Strike King hack attack and Strike King heavy cover series are good plus you can get them almost any where.