Brown Trout Help

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2012
Toronto, ON
Hey everyone!

I'm hoping someone here can help me. I've never had the opportunity to fish for browns in a creek environment, however I just found out that a creek I know quite well is stocked annually by the ministry. The creek is quite long, has a few sets of falls/rapids, and at one point opens up into a small lake/pond and then continues flowing out of it. Where would be the best place to start? Would the browns congregate at all in the small lake, or should I avoid that all together?

Thanks for your help!


It would help to know where the MNR releases the trout, so give them a call and see if you can get that information . If they won't divulge the release sight then you will have to do some exploring of sights that you figure could be release sights. It is always fun to explore.
i would try the where the river first turns into a pond because the water heats up int the pond and im pretty sure browns like cold water, either that or near rapids or falls they like airy water
Take a stream thermometer and check the temps above and below the lake.. if it's above 70 degrees keep moving up river to find cooler water and the trout should be there.

Good Luck.
Graham Bristow said:
Take a stream thermometer and check the temps above and below the lake.. if it's above 70 degrees keep moving up river to find cooler water and the trout should be there.

Good Luck.
Thanks Graham!
I should have mentioned that fighting a trout in above 70 degrees is hard on the fish and could be potentially fatal but testing the water temps above and below a dam or pond/lake could show you that the water below the dam/pond may not be to the trouts liking and the more active trout may be further up the river. Good Luck
How do you find the specific stocking info for a creek/river ?

MNR just shows lake ontario stocking....
fishing89 said:
How do you find the specific stocking info for a creek/river ?

MNR just shows lake ontario stocking....
LOTS of internet digging :p

I happened to find one for a district close to me by looking at various townships' stewardship's websites.
I would look for any structure, large pools, and the base of waterfalls. If the river crosses any streets, the pools underneath streets can be chock full of browns. Always stop and check.

Furthermore, if you happen into some nice browns, I would probably invite a forum member, such as myself, for your next outing to ensure it wasn't just a fluke and that the fishing is actually consistently good there.
It is true that the pond would pretty much heat up as water stagnate at that point before flowing out again. But, if you have a way to find out the depth of that pond it would be a good help. The deeper part of that pond will hold browns. I would say try that pond first. we're getting cool temp this week.
If you get out on a warm evening in early June, most systems will have a decent insect hatch which should reveal some trout, especially young ones.