Brown Trouts @ Blufferr Park.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006

This is a brown trout in the bay of a marina with rock bottom with weeds all over.

How do I catch these brown trouts?

How Do I Hook'em !!!???
toronto_angler said:
Is that in the boat launch area? You could try j13. Anyone else have ideas?

Don't Browns want smaller baits?

Anyways,,, since you live right there... you could made give us a update on what people are using to get those browns? both lures & baits.
I'm going to go check it out this week. I'm pike fishing this weekend so I can't get down there.
I was talking to my buddy today and he said Roe and Skein is your best bet but you need to make sure the water is calm. Not sure if I put it on the bottom or use a float though.
Mikey if you want to PM me the location you saw the brown I'll check it out for you and ask the fisherman there what some techniques are.
i would like to hear some reply from disspatcher.

thank u.

disspatcher, why do brown trouts jump out the water? are they over killing a fly on the water or something?

I occasionaly see the head come out quietly eating something from the surface?

should i be learning to fly fish?

Oh remember, I am not talking about a river fishing but those marina bay fishing.

Thanks. ... _trout.htm
Brown trout are THE hardest fish to catch ..any seasoned anglar will tell you that. The lateral vision of these fish are incredible. You really need to snaek up on these guys,especially in the tribs.
In the rivers usally you would cast lures up stream ; and with a fast retreive and sudden stops, you may have a chance.
But YES you are correct, the most effective way of getting these critters would be the fly. If you are not a fly fisherman, then a small jig/weighted fly under a float may work for you, Use a long mono leader 5' or more and a clear float.
If you're not getting them, dont feel bad, they are damn near impossible to target, usually a landed Brown is a pleasant surprise for a guy trying for bows! For me so far anyway, they are one smart fish!!
Tight Lines, Hopes this helps a wee bit.
hmm ok

i see them cruising around right by the shore in the bay. some like to jump right by the shore line too.

ok i think i am just gonna hook a worm and leave it out there.
Well... some informations from the internet is saying that brown trout will bite just about anything that is near their face. (I guess most fish would).

Also, brown trout pattern works the best if using lure(s).

Come on now.. there must be some sort of secret you are not sharing.
Mikey, I think I gotta disagree with the browns biting anything....they are extremely hard to catch and easily many have you caught so far ?? They may go after anything that moves in front of them, but they figure it out pretty quick and retreat just as fast! lol
MikeyMikey said:
mr. disspatcher.

maybe i should just catch'em using the technique from your avatar.

That's what they used to do on the launch ramps at Bluffs after a rain :D Back then there was actually an awesome run of browns, this goes back about 5 or 6 years.

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