I have bought cheap eyes at the dollar store and contact cement, feathers etc... but I also have expensive chicken necks, polar bear, deer , partrdge etc..... store each in zip lock bags to keep any of my kill find feathers and contaminates from getting into each other. Mites etc.... come with wild game sought products... freezer - quick nuke job in microwave and back in freezer for feathers and such. Had one accident with expensive pelt and small pests that ate at the feathers costly so saving money was lost when bought neck ruined..... very careful since. Even bought huge fly tying kit off old timer and there was bugs. Many cheap products for fly tying at craft stores and it is same stuff but at less then half the cost. Big pike streamers I have done and glued eyes that rattle from dollar store on them and they are so life like and 1 pack has like 25 sets for a dollar. Just some ideas for other types of flies but moose mane tied as tails for drys floats like a cork just very fragile.