CanAm Carp Cup 2012

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
Hello All,
It is time again to get ready for the CanAm!!!!!!!!!!
It will take place in the Good old US of A on the weekend of Jul 26-29, 2012. Sites on the river to be determined at a later date.It will be in the Ogdensburg ,Waddington area on the St. Lawrence river. Basic rules are the same as in the past.
One member from Team USA and one member from Team Canada will be pegged togeather. They will net each other's fish, check the weight of each other's fish and update each other's score card. At the end the captains from Team USA and Team Canada will add up the points from the score sheets.

Carp under 10 lbs 1 pt
Carp 10lbs to 19lbs 2 pts
Carp 20lbs to 29lbs 3 pts
Carp 30lbs to 39lbs 10 pts
Carp 40lbs and over 15 pts
Mirror Carp 1 extra pt added to weight total
Koi 2 extra pts added to weight Total

The team with the highest total points would win the event and keep the trophy until the next year. We will also play the winning country's National Anthem at the awards dinner.

Two rods, one hook.
Spods and marker floats allowed.
Look for updates in this section.

PBS will be filming this event for a special!