Casting centerpin

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
Barrie, Ontario
I'm new to centerpinning. I was wondering about casting and the reel specifically. Do
More expensive reels cast better then chaper ones? Or do more expensive just do better in start up in frog water? I use a stream side vortex with upgraded abec 7 ceramic and a 13' tranquility
they all cast the same, the only difference you'll noticed is when you get to know the wallis cast, but that takes time and unless fishing huge tribs, isn't needed.

learn the side cast and you're set for the majority of fishing you'll do with it.
practice...nobody turns Tiger Woods after holding a high end club....
I hate when the line slips in the crack between the spool and the rest of the reel, then the line wraps up around the center pin inside and locks up. gotta take apart the reel and stuff. drives me crazy.
I've never had that happen, what CP do you have?

And to the OP: Know the wallis and side cast. I haven't practiced the wallis since the spring and it really shows. I can barely do a 20 ft cast without birdsnesting now lol.
Happens a fair bit on older/ lower quality pins. My old stanton was notorious for it when using 8lb test, most modern reels worth their salt wont have that issue... Tighter tolerances
i would say if you have the patience/skill forget the side cast alltogether and just get the wallis and the swing cast down. swing cast can get the great distance you sometimes need and wallis is perfect for precision dropping.
the big benefit of the two is no line twist.
side cast will make your line into a mess eventually with twisting. although it is the easiest way to cast for beginners.

i haver a lower qual pin too(raven matrix) but never had that line get caught up in it. crazy
Practice, practice, practice...
Just a tip:
When spooling up to learn casting, don't use the most expensive lines (you might lose a bit due to birds nests)
Thanks all. I did the no no and tried the side cast. It was just nice to hit 30yards haha. I'll practice the wallice to though. Just want to know a couple. Just like bass fishing. Lots of cast and tackel

As for behind the plate mine does too. As mentioned its a lower quality reel.
the side cast isn't a no no, will it EVENTUALLY cause line twist, sure, depends how often you fish, and what kind of main line you're running as to when it will twist
I got a cheap amundson combo. Blech. I just do the side cast, when my line gets all twisted after a good long day or two or ten worth of fishing, I just cut-off 100' or so . CP is not really my thing or i might consider buying something nicer. Mind you, I have caught some nice fish on it and the fight is amazing when you have no drag except your finger rubbing on the spool. Fun stuff, but the stank ass bait and casting frustrations don't do it for me at all.