Chinny and Steelhead Fishing in Erie Tribs

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
I recently moved to Kitchener from the GTA and I'm wondering if anyone fishes Erie tribs for salmon/steelhead? Obviously no specific locations, but I can't seem to find anything on whether chinooks even run any of these tribs? I've heard of steelhead in the Grand (Dunnville) but nothing about salmon.

Thanks for any help.
Will said:
Alright thanks...just wondering if it was worth heading there instead of heading north to Huron tribs.
Salmon will be way better on huron. Steelhead will be similar, more or less.
there are some "salmons" in erie, but far and few between. choho's and pinks i have heard. not sure if true. but the bows are there in the hundreds if not thousands.

the spring run is awesome to watch at the few fish ladders they have on some of the main tribs. the grand has started its fall bow run. from the lake to paris, where they fork off into local tribs there.
i know of alot of tribs that hold the beauties. well 2 real good ones, but as for the salmon, i dont think they would make it if there are any.

send me a pm some time if ya need a bit of guidance, i live in cambridge and have been finding new spots for bows and browns the few years...
Logjam....tried to pm you but i guess your box is full. From Cambridge myself....looking for a bit of guidance as well. Know the us tribs well....but clueless on the grand. Ever need a fishing partner....i might be just down the
Apparently Erie had tons of salmon till the ministry quit stocking, back in the 80's or so, having deemed the lake incapable of supporting them, evidence othewise. Still plenty of bows. Huron tribs have coho and chinnies but not so great anymore... I've been skunked on maybe 20 trips in the last 2 years... all about timing. You want serious chinook, chance at a multi-fish day, to 40 pounds, Lake Ontario is where it's at.