I don't mean to challenge Chris's Floating Turkey (good work - I can see the drumsticks!) or highjack the thread. It just seems this would be the best place to post some other Christmas flies, which might provide Holiday smiles. The Winter Hatches Fly Fishing Club used to have a friendly contest on the last meeting before Christmas to see who had the best Christmas fly. Actually every contestant won a little something. Before my time Ron Bolton won with a Christmas tree. The following year Roger Harwood won with a snowman. That year I was a novice, nothing worth mentioning from me. The next year, I entered a toboggan 'fly'. However I was beaten by Bolton with his Rudolph the Red-nosed Stonefly. The year after that Bolton won again with the Grinch. At that point we declared him the lifetime winner of the tying contest and retired the trophy. Enjoy, and Happy Holidays.