Collapsible/Mini/Travel Rods

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Mar 29, 2013
Hey Guys,

I had a Shimano Exage Mini Telescoping Rod (TEXBXMTS165L) that I purchase in 2011ish. It's a 5'5" light (1/10-1/2 oz) spinning rod. I LOVED this rod and used it to catch many Smallmouth Bass, and even managed to grab a decent sized pike once. The other weekend I was fishing and my jig got stuck in some rocks. Whilst trying to get unstuck, the rod shattered. Not snapped. Shattered. Into about 6 pieces.

I had it rigged up with a Shimano Sienna 500FB and 4lb trilene. The rod probably shouldn't have exploded, but it had seen a good fight or two over the years in my amateur hands, so maybe it was weakened? I'd like to replace it with the same thing, but I can't find it anywhere.

So, what's your favourite light/ultra-light portable fishing setup?

All packed up, this rod and reel were super small and I could take them pretty much everywhere without noticing it. Despite it's small size, the performance up until this point was spectacular. I miss it already...
Apparently Shimano doesn't make the super-tiny collapsible, ultra-light fishing rod anymore. Seems like there's nothing quite like that old rod on the market. They do make this:

I checked it out in store. Comes with a tube etc. which is pretty good value for the dollar, but it's probably 4 feet long which is pretty big compared to the old rod. Also, it's obviously not an ultra-light.

If anyone wants to recommend their favourite ultra-light rod for trout spin fishing, I'd appreciate it.
I had the 7'6" 2-6lb 4-piece travel model of this rod years ago and it served its purpose well. They do make a 5'6" light action in a 3 piece so each section would be just under 2'. I also have the older 8'6" 2 piece 2-6lb UL and have no complaints about it.

I even took mine to BC for sockeye in a small river. I was totally outgunned but it was nice having a rod I could pack on the plane and explore the rivers with.

If you want to go super small Daiwa makes a 4'6" 5 piece ultralight.

Personally I would choose the BPS rod and put your Sienna on it.
I like the ML Fenwick Eagle Travel. There are two options, the 3-piece 6'6" or the 4-piece 7' rod. I have the 7' model and find the length really helpful when casting light jigs and lures longer distances, and there's more rod if you happened to hook into larger fish.

It held up well against juvenile Trevally, Surgeonfish, Triggerfish and Parrotfish up to 2lbs. Need a comparison? A 5-6lb Rainbow Parrotfish pulls drag like a 20lb Chinook Salmon with double the speed. A 2lb Parrotfish is no slouch.