Dawn Antibacterial dish soap

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
Incase you did not catch CBC's Marketplace last week, they did a show called Lousy Labels. The top worst "Label" was Dawn Antibacterial dish soap b/c it contains triclosan as the antibacterial agent.

What does triclosan do to our environment? Here is a link:


Dawn is made by Proctor and Gamble a well know and respected company with many products on the market. I/we have used their product(s) at one time or other. How can a "reputable" company as P&G use this chemical in their soap. All soap ends up in our rivers, lakes and oceans, P&G should know better then this. And then to call it environmentally friendly is just out right lying to the consumer.

Here is a link to CBC's Marketplace. Which product do you currently use? Which one now knowing of it's harm will you no long be using?


Thanks Marketplace for informing us of not lousy labels but dliberate deception thru marketing just to make a profit.
Just like the carbonated juice beverage I had last night. On the can it said 2 servings of fruit per 250ml...I looked at the ingredients and the only sign of fruit was juice from concentrate!
what a joke, eh?! x 2

its 2012 and you would think.... oh don't get me started lol

thanks, boys
C'mon this right here means it's safe for everything!! :rolleyes:


People are so stupid. There is a big market for products that are TRULY environmental, why doesn't someone take advantage of this.