Deer also find their way into the wierdest places.

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
I've been following punkrockers " fish find the wierdest places " thread. How about deer? 2 weeks ago here in Hamilton we had cops chasing a deer around downtown at 6 am. It was even so bold as to approach the cop shop at one point as if snubbing it's nose at the police or saying catch me if you can. They didn't and it escaped to Bayfront Park :)
Also a couple of weeks ago a family woke up to find a fawn bedded down on their deck in Ancaster all day until momma came back that night.
This morning as we were driving to work we drove past the London Correctional Facility. Jail that is. I noticed that there was a deer inside the 8 foot fence with barbed wire on top wandering about the "yard." People are trying to get out of that place, how did a deer get in? What crime could it have commited?
Deer are beautiful and I enjoy seeing them. I saw 7 between Hamilton and St Thomas this morning.
I don't think they should be in jail though.
