do you want to help stock salmon and trout???

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
Metro East Angler Association are raising salmon and trout to stock lake ontario harbours using pens to imprint the harbours as spawning destinations or as we understand it as future fishing opportunities.
We all complain about the lack of fish in our you want to get involved???
register with the ringwood fish culture station
offer to volunteer to help them prepare the fish to be released
be part of the growth of our fisheries
the more you participate the more you will understand and know about the fish you will be fishing for in 5 - 7 years
you may even learn things to help you catch more fish this year...
i was not asked to post this...i know they need help...they are asking their volunteers...but they have given so much already and are so few...join their forces and build our lake ontario fisheries...
ringwood fish culture station is north of toronto...on the way up to lake simcoe...i do not have a car...but i would be willing to take time off work for this...i am gonna try to enlist kearney for this too.
here is the web site link:

to volunteer:For those GPS users heading to Ringwood:
13232 Highway 48
Stouffville, Ontario
Any volunteers, both new and old that wish to make arrangements for work please do so through Andy on this board at: ... nd&to=andy

Please PM Andy with your interest and availability and he'll promptly respond with details.


We had the Fall meeting of the Pen Association last night with the MNR and the Lake Unit. It was an excellent meeting with some good progress happening on the north shore pen imprinting initiatives.

In summary:

1. We received approval to the proposal to double the number of fish penned at Port Dalhousie, Whitby Harbor and Port Darlington
2. We received approval to the proposal to start a new pen project at Oshawa Harbor in the spring of 2010.
3. We received approval to the proposal to start a new pen project at Bluffers Park in the spring of 2010.
4. We agreed to move forward the proposal to initiate a pen project at Port Credit and table this as part of the FMZ20 council's mandate to review and clearly define the Chinook stocking practices. This is to be tabled at the upcoming FMZ20 council meeting on December 9.
5. We agreed to establish a standardized documentation package that will be used at all pen sites for the recording of data before and during the penning activities. We also agreed that all data would be stored at a central repository in Ringwood.
6. We agreed that a strategy for marking penned fish would be used going forward and that we would utilize adipose fin clips and coded wire tags as our marking technique.

The outcome from last nights meeting has substantially increased the number of Chinooks penned on the north shore in 2010 and has also increased the total number of pens to 9 with projects ranging from Wellington in the east to Port Dalhousie in the west.

A big thanks to all that participated in last night's meeting. It's really encouraging to see an MNR partnership producing such a positive result for the lake's fishery.

Onward and upward!

As most of you may know, all Chinook Salmon being stocked into Lake Ontario are again going to be clipped this year. This is a Canada/US initiative, where the fish will be clipped and tagged on both sides of the lake. I'll post specific details on the arrival of AutoFish once they are finalized.

The bulk of the Chinook will be processed by AutoFsh, but fish earmarked for the Wellington, Whitby, Oshawa, Dalhousie, Bluffers and Darlington pen projects need to be manually clipped because they will be placed in their pens before the mass marker arrives. There are over 80K fish that need to have an adipose only clip. Dates for the clipping are Monday March 22, through Friday, March 26. Addiitional days will be added if needed (or, if cliiping goes very well, we'll be done before the 26th). Start times will be 0900 at Ringwood and we will continue through the evening. I hope many of you can find the time to assist in this onerous task; 80K+ is a lot of fish. Please either pm or email me if you are available and willing to come out to help. I hope we get sufficient manpower to ensure we have enough fish to supply each pen with its allotment. Remember: many hands make for light work, and all of us are hoping to see a multitude of hands...