First fly rod fish

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Well, last week me and a couple buddys were out at one of the ponds on a farm in Waterdown, and I caught my first fish ever on my fly rod, with a mouse fly. There wasn't a lot of water left in the pond as they were using it for irrigation so it didn't put up to much of a fight. But it was pretty awesome just to get my first fish. a nice bass, and it was the biggest one of all the fish caught that day as well lol.
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Well, last week me and a couple buddys were out at one of the ponds on a farm in Waterdown, and I caught my first fish ever on my fly rod, with a mouse fly. There wasn't a lot of water left in the pond as they were using it for irrigation so it didn't put up to much of a fight. But it was pretty awesome just to get my first fish. a nice bass, and it was the biggest one of all the fish caught that day as well lol.
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Hey Porter, good job. Looks like a nice Largemouth (?). Flinging a fly is definitely a lot of fun and I love it. I have 3 rods and reels. The most recent being a 4 piece Orvis rod and reel my father passed on to me. I haven't used it yet, it is more suited to back country Speck fishing where the space is tight, I can't wait to try it. I won't use it here where I live by Hamilton Harbor cause I want my first fish on it to be a trout, a very exciting fish like your first fly rod fish.
Keep fly fishing my friend. It is an art and very enjoyable. I hope you catch many more fish while flinging a fly.
Think about the enjoyment you had with that bass. How about a 12 lb Pike on a mouse pattern or popping bug, maybe a 15 lb Rainbow on yarn. It's all good :)

Hey Porter, good job. Looks like a nice Largemouth (?). Flinging a fly is definitely a lot of fun and I love it. I have 3 rods and reels. The most recent being a 4 piece Orvis rod and reel my father passed on to me. I haven't used it yet, it is more suited to back country Speck fishing where the space is tight, I can't wait to try it. I won't use it here where I live by Hamilton Harbor cause I want my first fish on it to be a trout, a very exciting fish like your first fly rod fish.
Keep fly fishing my friend. It is an art and very enjoyable. I hope you catch many more fish while flinging a fly.
Think about the enjoyment you had with that bass. How about a 12 lb Pike on a mouse pattern or popping bug, maybe a 15 lb Rainbow on yarn. It's all good :)


Hey bud!

Yeah largemouth it was. It is a lot of fun, i'm still working on the technique but everyone i was with said it's looking good...just got to figure out how to get it further out w.o it getting tangelged like it was with the mouse. I used a smaller one (see img, orange top with blue/purple tail) when we went to another pond to try for perch and a apparent pik, but it was dark already. I seemed to have a longer cast with that. I also didn't have a leader on, didn't feel like tying another one haha. Nice, are all 3 rod diff wts? I only have one and its a 8wt 9' lol. I can't wait to get a trout or something bigger like your saying. I have a decent amount of flies as well, i have a frog one as well, i would say i have just over 20 flies, some are same but different patterns.

Were going out again tomorrow when there done work, suiting up in the rain gear hehe. Looking forward to gettin down to the credit soon, and bronte, thinking maybe sunday, if any takers lol
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The fly your talking about is a egg sucking leech and there great for steelhead those and egg patterns are a must or them. About casting farther with out seeing you cast the only thing I can suggest is if you don't already know is the double haule it takes some time to master but you can punch a fly much father because you can load your line much faster and makes your loops tighter. And nice bass I'm off to Algonquin in the morning for late season Brookie and topwater bass action so good luck
The fly your talking about is a egg sucking leech and there great for steelhead those and egg patterns are a must or them. About casting farther with out seeing you cast the only thing I can suggest is if you don't already know is the double haule it takes some time to master but you can punch a fly much father because you can load your line much faster and makes your loops tighter. And nice bass I'm off to Algonquin in the morning for late season Brookie and topwater bass action so good luck

Thanks for that info, because i only remember what the obvious ones were, the mouse the frog, and the eggs that on on the other side lol. I am confused by the double haul. I bring a fair amount of line out of the reel, and than hold it in my hand, and I start casting and then letting some out gradually as i go, hoping not to tangle haha. Thanks, and thanks...Same to you, hope you have a successful day!
Hey bud!

Yeah largemouth it was. It is a lot of fun, i'm still working on the technique but everyone i was with said it's looking good...just got to figure out how to get it further out w.o it getting tangelged like it was with the mouse. I used a smaller one (see img, orange top with blue/purple tail) when we went to another pond to try for perch and a apparent pik, but it was dark already. I seemed to have a longer cast with that. I also didn't have a leader on, didn't feel like tying another one haha. Nice, are all 3 rod diff wts? I only have one and its a 8wt 9' lol. I can't wait to get a trout or something bigger like your saying. I have a decent amount of flies as well, i have a frog one as well, i would say i have just over 20 flies, some are same but different patterns.

Were going out again tomorrow when there done work, suiting up in the rain gear hehe. Looking forward to gettin down to the credit soon, and bronte, thinking maybe sunday, if any takers lol
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Hey Porter

The casting just comes with time and practice and everyone gets tangled sometimes lol. I'm no pro by any means, I'm self taught so I don't really know all the fancy casting or knots, but I can get my fly to where the fish are occasionally :) .My first rod is an 8 wt. I found it in the back of a small tackle shop, it was used and the guy gave it to me for $25. I brought it home and cleaned it up and it works like a charm 5 years later. I have another 8 wt. The Orvis my father gave me is a 6 wt and weighs 3.5 ozs. It was given to him at his retirement party. He said the rod and reel combo was worth about $600. It's perfectly balanced.
My buddy and I are going out Sunday too. We'll probably do the Grand or Bronte, he gets the final say as he does the driving, but I know he is anxious to get a salmon, so I'm guessing there's a good possibility we will be at Bronte. If you see a guy with a blue old-school knapsack with an aluminum frame, that's me, say hi. I should recognize you from seeing your pic, unless you've shaved, LOL.

HAHA, well thats all that matters right is getting it to where they are lol. Thats a pretty sweet deal for $25 eh. WOW, that is one helluva retirement gift...someone was really fond of your father.

OHH SWEET!! Well let me know if he decides 100% before sunday morning, and maybe i'll go to the grand if you guys go that way lol. HAHA, fair enough, i haven't shaved, im growing it now, so you will lol...and i'll have a yellow backpack, lol.

(funny story, i had a girl stock mye after the Kenney Chesney concert in Aug, we had been talking after meeting online and she was there, and she followed me around because of my Fu Manchu...kinda creepy eh!! lol)
For the double haule look it up on you tube it's easier to watch it the me trying to explain it but I pretty much use the only cast this way now.
LMAO, Dow Chemical was fond of my father.
We usually txt and decide where we are fishing beforehand. I'll put some pressure on to get a decision earlier than the last moment. Then I'll be able to let you know.
The guy at the bait shop in Caledonia told us last week that some Rainbows are starting to show up in the river. If there's no rainbows, we usually get lots of bass and channel cats (haven't caught cats on a fly.) There's also pike and walleye around, so we never get skunked. As I said my friend is after a salmon and I don't think the grand gets a run from what locals tell me, so he may be leaning to Bronte. I'll tell him there's a chance we may meet up with one of my forum friends. I'll PM you when I find out.

Fu Manchu stalker eh? What I need is a Goatee stalker, LOL.

For the double haule look it up on you tube it's easier to watch it the me trying to explain it but I pretty much use the only cast this way now.

HAHA...okay will do thanks!!

LMAO, Dow Chemical was fond of my father.
We usually txt and decide where we are fishing beforehand. I'll put some pressure on to get a decision earlier than the last moment. Then I'll be able to let you know.
The guy at the bait shop in Caledonia told us last week that some Rainbows are starting to show up in the river. If there's no rainbows, we usually get lots of bass and channel cats (haven't caught cats on a fly.) There's also pike and walleye around, so we never get skunked. As I said my friend is after a salmon and I don't think the grand gets a run from what locals tell me, so he may be leaning to Bronte. I'll tell him there's a chance we may meet up with one of my forum friends. I'll PM you when I find out.

Fu Manchu stalker eh? What I need is a Goatee stalker, LOL.


Dow Chemical? lol.

Cats on a fly would be one helluva of a fight i think, that would be soooo much fun!!! I don't think it does either, I have never heard of any salmon there, unless someone wants to correct us. Cool well i'm down for either or, what time do you guys normally leave at? If it's last minute, i'll just wake up in time anyways haha...but it definitely sounds like bronte, and that would be fun to get a couple salmon lol.

HAHA...well i hope she is good lookin...cause mine wasn't!! :p
I'm sure cats on the fly is possible with the right wet fly. I think I will have to work on that. It would be a helluva fight. A minnow,frog or leech pattern should work. 12 lb channel cat on the fly, interesting.
My friend is still undecided about Sunday, but I told him about you and I'm sure we will have an answer by later today. It will be the Grand or Bronte tho.

well i've got the frog and leach pattern, just not a minnow yet haha. I may take a drive to Le Barons today, its closer than BPS haha

SWEET!...I'm excited lol.

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