Fish ID needed

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010
Found floating belly up in a Lake O marina this evening. Rudd?

Also saw a large mirror carp in the same place that I always see it. Not into carp fishing myself, but if anyone is looking to get a mirror, I don't mind sharing the spot so PM me. Tonnes of regular carp there as well, but then again where aren't those buggers found in large numbers?

looks like a beat up gizzard shad to me at first glance
younger ones have a spot on em but they lose it eventually
Size was big, don't remember exactly but over 12" long, probably in the 15-16" range, and very wide.
Yes, Gizzard Shad. They can grow to 3-4lbs.

Rudd has red fins (pelvic, anal, caudal and sometimes pectoral and dorsal as well).